How to Create a Discord server: Pro Guide (2021)

Bobby Karabinakis
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2021

It’s no secret that Discord is the best messaging and voice chat application, making it a perfect choice to use as a community platform.

Originally aimed at gamers, Discord has been adopted by many influencers, content creators, and educators to create both free and paid communities.

Discord Logo
Discord logo

If the task of creating a discord server sounds daunting, don’t worry, in this tutorial we will walk you through:

✔️ How to create a server

✔️ Organize it with Discord roles and channels

✔️ Create a paid community and charge for access

Bonus: List of recommended Discord bots.

How do I create a Discord server?

First, Log-in to Discord or create a free user account.

When you first log in to Discord you will be greeted with a welcome screen.

1. Select “Create My Own”

2. Click on “for a club or community”

3. Name your server and upload your logo

If you already have a Discord account click on the “+” to create a new server or skip to the next section to learn how to add channels and roles.

Congrats! Your new Discord server has been created.

You can now click on the “+” icon next to text and voice channel categories to start creating your own channels.

How to create a Discord Role

Roles in Discord give groups of users different permissions.

This will come in handy later when we set up a paid Discord channel.

1. Right-click your server icon -> click settings -> Roles

2. Click on the “+” icon and add a new role

For example, let’s create a Moderator role you can give to anybody that will help you manage your Discord server and community.

Name your role and set its color

For special roles, I like to set it to “Display role members separately from online members” This will allow your users to find important members fast such as support or moderators.

Set the desired permissions and save

You can now go through your created channels, edit each channel and view its permissions. Add your new roles to the desired channels

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Here’s an example of a basic Discord server structure with permissions and roles

Server Roles: Moderators, Everyone(public role), Premium(private role)

-Welcome (everyone)

-Moderators lounge (private channel with Moderator role as permissions, only mods can access)

-Channel lounge (everyone)

-VIP lounge (private, permissions for Moderator and Premium paid role access)

How to Accept Payments and Create Paid Discord Rooms

Let’s use the above example Discord server and say that now you want to start sharing premium content that only paid members can access.

To do this you can use Accessdock, to create paid Discord channels insanely easy and charge for access.

1. Visit Accessdock and connect it to Discord by logging in

2. Select the server we just created and authorize Accessdock, which will allow us to sent invites and automatically set roles

3. Click Billing and Connect your Stripe, this will allow you to start charging for access

4. You can continue on the Forever Free plan or take advantage of a free trial month on PRO using the promo “trial”

5. Click on products and create a paid link

You now have a live paid link that you can share with your community to purchase access to your paid channels or to add to your sales funnels and website.

Bonus: 5 recommended Discord bots


A Discord bot for moderation, that can be used to prevent spamming, external links, foul language, or simply any action that goes against your community’s guidelines.

On top of moderation, MEE6 can be used for a wide range of activities within your server anywhere from playing music, to leveling up your members.

A great way to provide a ticketing system to your Discord community. Being able to provide support quickly and efficiently can be crucial if you are planning on running a business on Discord, and most of the time directing your members to a website can add additional friction between the problem and the solution.

Helper. gg allows you to keep everything within Discord. It is a free bot to use, however, a premium plan can be purchased to unlock more customization of tickets and translation features.


Accidents happen and this is where Xenon comes into play, this Discord bot allows you to backup your server, and also import templates so you can skip the setup and get your Discord server up and running quickly.


Quickly take and share screenshots with your discord community and friends with Droplr. This bot will make it easy to communicate and not only does it allow you to share screenshots but it also lets you create GIFs and recordings directly onto your server.

Dank Memer

Add a little fun to your server, and create memes in seconds, participate in meme gambling and take advantage of the bot’s own currency system to engage your community.

That’s it!

You are now ready to start your own Discord server, create roles, public & private channels, and charge for access to any premium content you will be sharing with your community!

Don’t forget to check out our own Accessdock integration with Discord to create paid channels, charge for access, and automate membership management.

