There’s a lot of great things about my job, but one of my favorites is getting to see first-hand what a difference our work makes. This year, I traveled along with several of Accion’s supporters and Board Members to India to meet with clients and see what more we can do to help families and businesses there thrive.

What I’m Grateful For

Michael Schlein


On Thursday, families across the United States will sit down together for Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday, and not just for the food. It’s a special moment that allows us to reflect on the things we’re grateful for and express our gratitude.

One of the things I’m most grateful for is the people, institutions, and partnerships that supported Accion over the last year. The work that we do alongside our partners allows us to help farmers improve their resilience, help parents pay for their children’s education, and build a world with more opportunities for everyone. From providing better crop yields to promoting economic growth to helping women gain autonomy, financial inclusion enables the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and creates a safer, more equitable world.

With your support, Accion has continued to work toward making full financial inclusion a reality. Together, we welcomed new leaders, created new partnerships and continued demonstrating how inclusive financial services can catalyze progress. In 2019, we:

Those are just a few of the many highlights from a remarkable year: your support helped countless people and businesses around the world and will allow us to continue this important work. To everyone who gave or partnered with us in any way, thank you.

What you do for Accion means so much to so many: with 3 billion people still left out of the global financial sector, we have work to do. We’ll continue relying on you to help us create a world where everyone can meet their day-to-day needs, save for the future, and help their children learn and grow.

Thank you again, and happy holidays.



Michael Schlein

President and CEO, @Accion. Harnessing the power of fintech and impact investing to advance financial inclusion and improve lives.