Learning a New Language With Movies, Shows, and Apps

Musings From an English-Speaking Canadian Trying to Speak French

Synthia Stark
Accompanied by Enervation


I’ve gone through quite a considerable journey trying to master my understanding of French. You see, I was born and raised in a part of Canada, where pretty much everyone I know has pretty much spoken English.

However, as I’ve gotten older and older, I keep on ending up in situations where I’ve had to learn or pick up a bit of French.

Finally, as a young adult who is trying her best to stay afloat, I kind of fell into the world of productivity and educational apps, especially with the way this year turned out.

One of the biggest surprises I’ve had was my unrelenting use of Duolingo. Yes, that app with the silly little green owl. Yes, it has colourful visuals and makes all sorts of amusing noises, like “beep” and “boop”, kind of like a videogame.

Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash — This owl is judging me so hard.

Yes, it’s motivating. No, I can’t wax poetry or speak on philosophical tangents with French. I wish I could — perhaps in another million years.



Synthia Stark
Accompanied by Enervation

Canadian Therapist & Former Researcher | 5x Top Writer | Writing about mental health, psychology, science, etc. https://linktr.ee/SynthiaS