Fighting for the Legal Human Right to Work

Justice for Peace
Accor Data Breach
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024

Every Human Being is Entitled to Freedom. Every Human Being is Entitled to Work as He or She Chooses.

No one shall be deprived of legal work, by the illegal crime work of others.

What we are witnessing, is criminals, in this case the Accor Hotels criminals, criming against guest for NOP to Work. Their full time job is this, to deprive the Freedom of others, to deprive the Privacy of others, to forcefully through instistance of crimes accross several months to ensure work is NO.

Either work with our criminal glue or do not work.

If victims for human traffiking are crimed to not work in their chosen careers, it is to downgrade to a slave.

Fighting for the Legal Human Right to Work without Espionage, Interference and Denial of Access

The fight for Freedom, seems was not accomplished with the Freedom Laws. The fight for Privacy, is still a war.

When our Human Rights of Freedom, Privacy and even Legal Human Right to Work Safely are denied, the path to Freedom is Law Enforcment and Justice.

No Human Being or Girl must be forced to downgrade his life by cheaps who crime for lo.

Every citizen who has privacy, must not lose his privacy alongside sabotage to work, alongside threats of glue to all innocent humans you may contact, not limited to family and friends but extending to privacy work — clients, and suppliers.

The Choice of Work is us criminals of lo or no civilised work, according to their lo.

The virus of criminal glue was contracted at Accor Hotels — the Hotel’s security negligence and being relaxed to host john and a CIA Fugitive who has a Human Traffiking business, means guest life in danger.

Who pays for the damages humans?

