Looking after your mental health during the pandemic

Chris Rimell
Accord Equality
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2020


The coronavirus is affecting the way many of us live our lives every day, and continues to cut many people off from others. It’s normal that this affects people’s mental health. There are some things that we can all do to help ourselves and others during this difficult time.

We mostly think of the Samaritans as being there for us if we’re in crisis, but Talk to Us month is an annual event in July to talk about mental health, and to help more people before they reach a point of crisis.

It’s time to talk

You may be feeling more worried or unsettled by what’s going on in the world. It might feel like things are changing, and there’s a lot that’s outside of your control. Because of coronavirus, there are so many more unknowns around us and our futures, and the way that we live our day-to-day lives is changing. This uncertainty does naturally impact our mental wellbeing, and it’s important that we talk about the things we’re struggling with and find ways together to help each other.

It’s likely your mood has been affected by the pandemic, and it’s something we’d really encourage you to talk about. Whether that’s via video messaging, over the phone, texting or over the garden fence. Whilst we’re physically isolated, it’s more important than ever for us to feel socially connected, so try and reach out to people to talk, and try to be there to listen to others.

In case it’s helpful, we’ve gathered together some information to help you look after your wellbeing at this time.

The Samartians have put together some practical guidance for you to help yourself cope if you’re finding things tough right now. The Bank Workers Charity have a number of guides and action plans that you can use to help you too.

What support can I access?

Every six seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help.

They are there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they also campaign and take action to prevent the crisis.

They aim to give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.

Contact: Online or call 116 123

Each year the Bank Workers Charity help thousands of current and former bank employees and their families by providing information, advice, expert support services and in some cases financial assistance.

Their support services include financial, physical, mental and social. Everything they offer is designed to meet the needs of current and former bank workers, including a large community of pensioners.

They are independent from the banks and their services are confidential.

Contact: Online or call 0800 0234 834

Worried about someone else?

The pandemic is changing the way we keep in touch with one another and has been restricting our access to family and friends. If you’re worried about someone who may already be struggling, there are things you can do to let them know that you’re thinking about them.

It could be a simple text message, an online message or a video call. The important thing is to start a conversation. It shows you care which can be the first step to helping someone feel less isolated.

The Samaritans have put together some helpful information that you can use to strike up a conversation.

There’s also plenty of other information out there, so let’s get talking…

We’re here to help too. If you want to talk to us confidentially contact us at equality@accordhq.org



Chris Rimell
Accord Equality

Author // Accord Equality, Diversity & Inclusion officer // Accord Assistant Secretary // accord-myunion.org