World Mental Health Day 💚

Chris Rimell
Accord Equality
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2019


The 10th October was World Mental Health Day — an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma.

This year’s theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is suicide prevention. In the UK, the suicide rate appears to have risen for the first time since 2013. Prevention is needed now, more than ever.

The acronym ‘WAIT’ is a good way to remember how you can support someone who may be suicidal. The graphic below summarises what it stands for:

1 in 4 are affected by mental health issues in the UK every year.

Accord supports World Mental Health Day — but it’s not just about one day — and you can too. Here’s how:

  • Wear a green ribbon or share it as a digital sticker which is available through most social media platforms — simply type in ‘green ribbon’
  • Share the ‘WAIT’ acronym which summarises suicide prevention advice with friends, family or colleagues — download it here
  • Download and print World Mental Health Day posters for your workplace noticeboards here
  • Get together with friends, family or colleagues to hold a Tea & Talk session to fundraise for the Mental Health Foundation
  • Keep the conversation around mental health going — post on social media using #WorldMentalHealthDay2019 #SuicidePrevention

The team at Accord HQ will be hosting a Tea & Talk this morning. We’re taking 30 minutes away from our desks for a natter about mental health over a cuppa (and some cake). Why not use your break to do the same?

If you see a colleague whom you suspect could be experiencing mental health problems, try talking to them about it and let them know what support is available to them.

Acas has published guidance to help manage mental health in the workplace and have developed a framework for positive mental health at work. You can find the guidance and resources here.

Accord takes both physical and mental wellbeing of its members very seriously. Members experiencing mental health issues can always turn to their local Accord rep or officer for advice, support and guidance. Call the Accord helpline on 0118 934 1808.

For more information about World Mental Health Day, visit:

If you’ve been affected by any of the issues that we’ve discussed here and you want to talk to us confidentially, or if you want to give us any feedback on what’s been happening in your workplace: contact us at



Chris Rimell
Accord Equality

Author // Accord Equality, Diversity & Inclusion officer // Accord Assistant Secretary //