Accounteer: September 2020 Update

Lanre Ogungbe
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2020

Announcing Our New Mobile App — on IOS and ANDROID Devices.

We’re excited to announce our new mobile app for iOS and Android — and also new features to make bookkeeping easier from any gadget of your choice.

The application has been launched at the iPhone app, the new Engagor Android app is now available in the Google Play Store! We strongly believe it’s important to have our users perform the most needful features from their fingertips and also extend other web possibilities!!

To get started, simply download the app from the Google Play Store or from the Apple store and log in with your existing Accounteer account credentials. With the Android mobile app, you will be able to access all of your invoices, offers, expenses and many more details. You can now access your account at any time, from anywhere and from any device. You can create invoices and follow up on payments using your smartphone.

Top 5 functions you can perform on the mobile app

  1. Invoicing

Create sales invoices and offers with ease. With a few simple clicks, you can create your documents and send them digitally to your contacts reducing both time and cost. You can send your invoice from the mobile app to your customers.

2. Reporting

Using the report tab, you can easily track your receivables and make sure you get paid in time.

3. Recording Expenses.

Keep track of your expenses with the mobile app. All entries automatically sync with the web version.

4. Multi-Currency

Register any transaction and create invoices in multiple currencies.

5. Collaborate

Our platform allows an unlimited number of users to the same account so that you can collaborate with colleagues. If you have an accountant or financial advisor, they can use Accounteer too at the same time.

Image Credit: The Report Africa

Final Announcement: Accounteer & Carbon SME Loan: Apply

We had announced our partnership with Carbon 2 months ago and had announced that as part of helping small businesses grow post-COVID19, we are offering a low-interest loan from 200k-10M Naira.

If you are interested in the loan, follow the instructions below;

  1. Signup link is
  2. Type ACCOUNTEER in the field “how did you hear about us?”
  3. Any complaints with the application process should be directed to and with ACCOUNTEER in the subject line.

We are committed to helping your business grow.

Next steps

👉 Sign to your Accounteer account to manage your books today.

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Lanre Ogungbe

Delighted in thinking about abstract ideas and a variety of subjects. Full name: Olanrewaju Ogungbe