Get a personal accountant for your business

Merijn Campsteyn
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2018

A few weeks ago we silently launched ‘accounting as a service’. A new service by Accounteer where you do not only get to enjoy awesome bookkeeping software. You’re teamed up with a personal accountant who helps you run like clockwork.

After testing it in private beta, we’re thrilled to share this news with you. We believe it will be a game changer for many small businesses and put them on a track to solid growth.

So, if you’re ready to scale your business, make sure to read on…

What do we do?

If you take advantage of our accounting as a service, you get a dedicated accountant that takes care of your professional finances. We take care of registering all your transactions, so you have more time available to focus on your business. Your accountant will act as a trusted advisor that will assist you in managing your company.

Accounting as a service comes in two flavours.

The first one is an essential bookkeeping service where we take care of all the tedious entry of all your transactions. We’ll enter all your expenses an process your bank statements.

Every month you get a consulting session with your accountant to go over your numbers.

In addition to the essential bookkeeping service, you can opt-in for our payroll and tax service.

Why should I care about accounting?

Knowledge is Power

You can’t run your business if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you don’t keep track of your finances, you won’t know where you’re making money and where you’re making unnecessary expenses.

It’s important to keep track of your finances on a daily basis so you can take action in time.

Maybe some activities or projects are lossmaking. If you would spend your time elsewhere, you could make a lot more money.

Maybe you subscribed to some services that you don’t need anymore.

If you don’t track, you won’t know. Data is the new currency. Knowledge is power. And it all starts from within your company.

Are you prepared to face the VC’s?

Be investor ready

We’ve worked with a lot of startups in the past to help them get investor ready. All too often we saw startups do an awesome pitch. They have a great idea and investors are fighting to get in. But when the due diligence starts, they hit the wall.

A key component of the due diligence process is a financial review. If you can’t keep your finances under control on a small scale how will you convince investors that you’ll use their funds with care?

With our accounting as a service, you can rest assured that your books will be accurate from day one. We’ll make sure that your startup is investor ready and passes any financial due diligence with ease.


Governments are becoming more and more intelligent. If you’re not filing your tax returns accurately and on time you can expect high penalties. Sometimes they might even shut down your business.

Most businesses that end up in trouble with the tax man didn’t have bad intentions. Often they don’t know which obligations they have. They don’t have the knowledge to prepare and file their tax returns. Or it’s merely an oversight. Time flies. And while you’re busy running your business, it’s easy to miss a due date.

Let us take care of all your compliance needs so you can sleep well at night and rest assured your business will stay out of trouble.

What will it cost me?

Because we use our in-house developed bookkeeping software, you can get a professional accounting service for a super sharp price.

Our essential bookkeeping service starts at 25,000 NGN per month. If you would compare it against the cost of all the hours that you or one of your staff would spend on processing all your transactions this price is a steal.

Adding the optional payroll and tax services costs another 25,000 NGN. So for just 50K a month you have a complete team of financial experts at your disposal.

Who can benefit from this service?

In short, any business. Our team of financial experts has worked with companies from a variety of sectors and sizes. We spend sufficient time to fully understand how your business works so we can deliver the best value.


Do you like the idea of having someone that takes care of your accounting mess? Having someone with financial expertise that can guide you and your company? Let’s have a chat and see how we can work together.

Fill in THIS FORM,
and we’ll make sure there’s a nice cup of coffee waiting for you.

