The Most Likely New Opportunities to emerge Post COVID-19 pandemic and how individuals and Businesses can take advantage of them.

Lanre Ogungbe
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2020

Some curves are already bending and many regions are now considering reopening on the economy. Yet under those curves, families are still suffering and much of the global economy remains frozen. While many businesses got hit badly by this pandemic, I also expect some opportunities to spring out post-covid19. Below are a few of those opportunities for both individuals and businesses.

1. More companies Will Embrace Cloud Computing;

This could be the lessons many businesses needed to know they have to embrace cloud computing in their operations especially the old companies. Many people could not work during lockdown because they cannot access certain files. Many software as a service companies might have a boost in sales post-covid19 as many businesses will want to get their accounting, emailing, file sharing, payroll management, and many other areas to the cloud.

2. Staff Understanding How To Stay Productive Working Remotely.

This could look simple, but it is a very big deal to take advantage of. For many businesses that remain operative during the pandemic, POST-pandemic is a time to build on the possibility of having some section of the team operate remotely to reduce operating costs. If they could get productive during a lockdown, they will get super productive after a lockdown but business owners must invest in helping the staff have a comfortable home office and equipment to function well. Sales calls, meetings can also be managed virtually making companies that have their staff spend many numbers of hours in traffic have fun while still being productive.

3.Recruiting and Talent Hunting:

Many recruitment firms will be on the lookout to fill in different new or existing roles as many would have relocated, need more time with their loved ones or change professionals. For many people looking forward to accessing new opportunities, post-covid19 could be the best time. For recruiting businesses, post-COVID19 would be the best time to increase sales leads and reach out to as many international and local firms to assist them in recruitment exercises as they bounce back to business.

4. Fittings. Cleaning and Repairs.

Right now, there are a hundred thousand wooden doors, chairs getting spoilt by rodents, and several computers getting destroyed by dust. Many keypads will not work anymore so are power sockets. Those in office maintenance. Cleaning and repair services will have a boom as many calls will come for prospect work. Many workstations have missed their periodic Funimation excessive. Cleaning businesses providing this kind of service are expected to have a boom in operations post-covid19.

And lastly, there might be a need for any business that provides services for pregnant mothers to brace up a little bit as there might be an explosion of Christmas and New Years’ babies — they will be called the corona generations.



Lanre Ogungbe

Delighted in thinking about abstract ideas and a variety of subjects. Full name: Olanrewaju Ogungbe