Want to get Accurate Data From Your Customer Feedback Survey? Do These

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5 min readMay 7, 2018

Customers play a huge part in the success of your business. After all, they are the reason why you are in business. Therefore, it is important to get reviews from them about your product/service from time to time, but not too frequently to piss them off.

Customer feedback survey is one of the most essential things every business should do, be it a start-up or a large company; online or offline. A lot of benefits are associated with conducting a customer survey as long as the right questions are asked. Some of which include getting to know your customers, your support/customer service team, the quality of your product/service, your target market, amongst others.

The information gotten from this survey, when put to good use, can improve the quality of your product/service, elongate the life span of your business; making you stay relevant in your business community. This is as a result of the data gotten from the survey backing up some managerial decisions relating to the business.

On the flip side, there may be a case of insufficient or inconclusive data to back up any proof or decision, thereby making the business run blind. This may be as a result of certain mistakes you keep making when curating the survey questions.

Here are few of the things you should note when creating a customer feedback survey:

Explain the reason for the survey

It is said that people are more likely to perform a task for you if they know its purpose. In this vein, respondents of your survey are more likely to answer the survey questions if the aim of the survey is clearly stated; it may be on ways you could serve them better, etc.

Surveying without a follow up plan

For every survey conducted, there has to be an end to it. That is, there must be a question the survey aims at answering. So, if you don’t have any definite question in mind to get an answer to regarding your business, you can as well not do it at all. Your customers are busy going about, trying to make ends meet, it will be cruel to waste their time, don’t you think? Especially, if you have no steps to take based on the result of the survey.

Why do it in the first place?

For every survey you do, there should be a follow up plan. Before the survey is conducted, there should be an action planned to be taken based on the result of the survey.

Length of the Survey

The length of the survey matters a lot. Imagine agreeing to fill a survey and what looked like a 2 minutes survey goes on endlessly. What would you do? For me, I’d stop. Why? Because I have other things to do and time is money.

A respondent is more likely to patiently fill out a short survey and give accurate answers to those questions, than a lengthy one.

On the hand, if you must send out a long survey, it is important to make it known beforehand.

In the above image, it is clearly stated that the survey would take 10 minutes. This allows the respondent know what to expect.

Reward Your Customers for their Time

Compensating your customers for their time is a way to compel them to take the survey. It may be something big as long as it is a reward.

You should give this a try. I mean, who doesn’t like a freebie.

Are you still doubting the importance of a customer feedback survey? Here are few benefits of carrying out a customer feedback survey.

Improve Your Products

The major benefit of customer survey feedback is to improve your product or service; to know what areas to improve, introduce or what should be discontinued. A common mistake new business owners make is introducing new products based on guesses without proper survey, when in fact, they are not needed by their customers.

Interacting with your Customer

By doing a customer survey, you not only get their suggestions and answers to your questions, you get a chance to interact with them. Which makes them loyal to you and feel like their opinion matter. You are also able to find out more about your product/service; what they like and don’t like. You can also include other areas of your business, such as the customer support team, delivery service amongst others.

Get the Latest Trends

Customer feedback surveys give insights into the latest trends. Asking your customers about what features they'd like to see gives you an overview of the new in-thing in the market.

Improve the Customer’s Experience

With the comments and suggestions received through the feedback survey, you can improve a customer experience.

An email I received from Chicken Republic after my order was delivered.

On this day, my order took longer than 30 minutes. If majority of their customers responded to this email on other days and the answer is mostly negative, then the next thing to consider is changing the delivery service.

Customer experience can be improved in other ways, such as changing the interface of your website for easy access, using a seamless online payment, or altering the way products are packaged.

Know the Performance of Your Customer Service Unit

Not only do you improve your product and get new trends, you also have an insight into the performance of your customer care department. How helpful they are to your customers. This will determine if they require extra training.

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