A New Publication from BAFA Accounting Education SIG

Beth Picton
Accounting Education by BAFA
3 min readMay 29, 2024
A New Place for New Ideas

BAFA Accounting Education Special Interest Group is delighted to re-launch their Medium site. The Medium site now hosts our peer-reviewed scholarship blog, offering a new outlet for the publication of short scholarship pieces on Accounting Education topics.

The new offer from BAFA Accounting Education SIG is peer reviewed with all articles reviewed by the blog editor as well as another member of the editorial team.

All articles should be a maximum of 1,500 words in length and be of interest to our accounting educator audience. To help you get started, here are a few questions (with answers) you may have.

Why a new publication? Some academics who engage with the Accounting Education SIG are on contracts which are education focussed and have a requirement to engage in scholarship. The Executive Board of the SIG has recognised that, beyond our own annual conference, there can be limited outlets for this type of work. In order to support our colleagues working in these roles, the Executive Board took the decision to provide an outlet for scholarship which embraces the rigour of the peer review process and the Medium blog was re-launched in May 2024 under this new guise.

What sort of articles will you publish? We will consider all sorts of articles including, but not limited to, teaching and learning innovations, technology notes, reflections, opinion pieces and book reviews. If you have an idea for an article, and would like to discuss it further, please email accedublog@gmail.com to contact the team.

What will you not publish? We will not publish research articles. We would encourage anyone with a research article to submit it to Accounting Education for consideration.

How often will you publish articles? As often as we can! Once articles have completed the review process and are ready, they will be released on the Medium page. No delay in getting your work out to our audience.

How long should my article be? We have set a maximum word count of 1,500 words but articles may vary in length. The idea is that these are short articles which are a quick read for the audience.

What can I include in my article? Articles will be posted on Medium. The basic format includes a title and a number of blocks. Blocks can contain an image or photo, video, text or a section break. Text can be edited in the usual ways bold, italicised with quotations highlighted and links inserted.

What format should my submission be in? Submissions should be made in a word document, and emailed to accedublog@gmail.com.

Hopefully the questions and answers have given you an idea of what we hope to achieve with the blog as well as letting you know how to submit. All that we need now are articles to post, so get writing.

In the meantime, if you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us at accedublog@gmail.com.

Until we post again….

Beth, your accounting education blog editor



Beth Picton
Accounting Education by BAFA

Associate Professor at Durham University with interests in Accounting Education and Academic Development