From Pixels to Patterns: Annotating Images made Easy

Harshita Sharma
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2023

10 websites to get annotated image data for your next AI project


In today’s world, data is crucial for various industries, and its importance has been amplified with the advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Annotated image data is one of the essential types of data that is used to train machine learning models to recognize objects, improve accuracy, and speed up processing time.

The advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence has transformed the way industries process, analyze, and interpret data. One of the most critical types of data used in these processes is annotated image data. Annotated image data is created when images are labeled with additional information such as object classification, object detection, object segmentation, and bounding boxes. This additional information helps the machine learning algorithms to understand and identify the objects in the images accurately.

Importance of annotated image data:

1. Improved accuracy:

Annotated image data improves the accuracy of machine learning algorithms. When images are annotated with additional information, the algorithms can recognize objects in the images more accurately.

2. Reduced human effort:

Manually annotating images is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Annotated image data reduces the human effort required for labeling the data. Machine learning algorithms can be trained on the labeled data, reducing the need for manual labeling.

3. Faster processing time:

Annotated image data enhances the speed of machine learning algorithms. The labeled data helps the algorithms to learn faster and make accurate predictions.

4. Facilitates object detection and recognition:

Annotated image data facilitates object detection and recognition. The additional information in the annotated image data helps the machine learning algorithms to identify and locate the objects in the images accurately.

Image Annotation in medical scans

Top 10 websites to get Annotated Image Data-

  1. COCO (Common Objects in Context): A large-scale image recognition, segmentation, and captioning dataset that contains over 330,000 images with more than 2.5 million object instances annotated with bounding boxes, segmentation masks, and object categories.

2. ImageNet: A dataset of over 14 million annotated images organized according to the WordNet hierarchy, which is used for object recognition research.

3. Open Images: A dataset of over 9 million annotated images, with image-level labels, object bounding boxes, visual relationships, and segmentation masks.

4. Visual Genome: A dataset of over 100,000 images, with region descriptions, object and attribute annotations, and relationships between objects.

5. Labelbox: A platform for data labeling and management that offers access to pre-labeled datasets for image classification, object detection, and segmentation.

6. Amazon Mechanical Turk: A crowdsourcing platform that offers access to a large pool of workers who can annotate data for a variety of tasks, including image labeling and segmentation.

7. Labeled Faces in the Wild — A dataset of annotated face images with 13,000 labeled faces of celebrities.

8. Kaggle: A platform for data science competitions and datasets, which includes a large number of annotated image datasets for various applications.

9. Flickr: A photo sharing website that offers access to a large number of annotated images, which can be used for various applications, including object recognition and segmentation.

10. Stanford Dogs: A dataset of annotated images of dogs, which can be used for various applications, including breed classification and object detection.


In conclusion, there are a variety of websites where you can access annotated image data for your next AI project.

These resources offer a range of datasets that have been labeled with object detection, segmentation, visual relationships, and more, making them useful for a variety of machine learning and computer vision applications.

Whether you are working on image classification, object detection, or other tasks, these websites provide a wealth of resources to help you get started.

By leveraging these annotated image datasets, you can save time and effort in labeling your own data, while also benefiting from the insights and learnings of the broader data science and computer vision communities.

