Harnessing Chaos: The Role of Entropy in Machine Learning

What Entropy really means in terms of machine learning

Harshita Sharma
6 min readJul 10, 2023



Entropy is a powerful yet elusive concept that lies at the core of many algorithms and models. This concept is borrowed from thermodynamics and information theory, which carries profound significance in understanding and harnessing uncertainty within machine learning systems.

By discovering the depths of entropy, we can unlock a deeper understanding on how machine learning algorithms make decisions, manage complexity, and navigate the intricacies of the data.

What is Entropy?

At its core, entropy represents the measure of uncertainty or disorder in a system.

In the context of machine learning, can be viewed as a measure of uncertainty or randomness within a dataset.

It provides a quantitative assessment of the impurity or disorder of a set of examples with respect to their class labels. By analyzing the distribution of class labels, entropy allows us to gauge the level of unpredictability inherent in the data.

Suppose you’re studying a group of exotic birds in a tropical rainforest and you want to develop a machine learning model that can classify these birds based on their feather colors, sizes, and beak shapes.

At the beginning of your analysis, you notice that the dataset contains a variety of birds, such as toucans, parrots, and hummingbirds. Initially, the dataset exhibits high entropy since the birds have different characteristics, and it’s challenging to make accurate predictions based solely on a few features. It’s like having a jumble of feathers, beaks, and sizes with no clear patterns.

To reduce the entropy and gain more insight, you start examining the feather colors of the birds. Surprisingly, you discover that most toucans have vibrant and colorful feathers, while parrots have a mix of bright and dull colors, and hummingbirds have predominantly dull feathers. By focusing on this single feature, you have managed to decrease the entropy significantly.

Now you decide to examine the beak shapes. You find that toucans have large, curved beaks, parrots have medium-sized hooked beaks, and hummingbirds have small, needle-like beaks. Again, you have reduced the entropy even further by narrowing down the possibilities based on another characteristic.

Eventually, after analyzing more features like size, you start noticing clear patterns emerging. Toucans are large birds with vibrant feathers and curved beaks, parrots are medium-sized with a mix of colorful feathers and hooked beaks, while hummingbirds are small with dull feathers and needle-like beaks. At this point, the dataset has very low entropy since you can now confidently predict the bird species based on their distinct features.

Understanding Entropy through Decision Trees

To grasp the true essence of entropy, lets explore its application in Decision Trees, a widely-used machine learning algorithm.

A Decision Tree

Decision trees recursively partition the data based on features to create a tree-like structure that helps in classification or regression tasks.

At each internal node of the tree, the algorithm evaluates the best feature to split the data, and entropy plays a pivotal role in this decision-making process.

When constructing a decision tree, entropy is used to quantify the disorder or randomness of the class labels in a given subset of data.

If all the examples in a subset belong to the same class, the entropy is zero, indicating perfect purity and certainty. Conversely, if the examples are evenly distributed among multiple classes, the entropy is high, signifying a state of maximum uncertainty.

The goal of the decision tree algorithm is to minimize entropy as it progresses through the tree. By choosing the feature that minimizes entropy the most, the algorithm can achieve a more homogeneous distribution of class labels within the resulting subsets.

This reduction in entropy represents a gain in information and helps the algorithm make more informed decisions.

We can calculate entropy using:

Here pᵢ is simply the probability of an class i in the data.

For example let’s say we only have two classes , a positive class and a negative class. So i could be either + or — . If we had a total of 100 data points in our dataset with 40 belonging to the positive class and 60 belonging to the negative class then P+ would be 4/10 and P- would be 6/10.

Information Gain: The Key to Decision Making:

To quantify the improvement in entropy resulting from a feature split, decision trees employ a metric called information gain.

Information Gain

It measures the reduction in entropy achieved by splitting the data based on a particular feature. It compares the entropy of the parent node with the weighted average of the entropies of the child nodes.

The feature with the highest information gain is chosen as the splitting factor, as it leads to the most significant reduction in entropy and provides the most valuable information for classification. Essentially, information gain allows decision trees to iteratively uncover the features that best organize the data, leading to more accurate and efficient models.

High Entropy, Low Information Gain

/ \
Feathers No Feathers
/ \ / \
Milk No Milk Milk No Milk

Here, the animals are split based on the presence or absence of feathers. However, the resulting subsets are mixed, containing both mammals and birds. The entropy in each subset is relatively high, indicating uncertainty and randomness in the classifications. As a result, the information gain from this split is low because it doesn’t provide much useful information to predict the classes accurately.

Low Entropy, High Information Gain

/ \
Feathers No Feathers
/ \ / \
Birds Birds Mammals Mammals

Here the entropy in each subset is low, indicating a high level of certainty in the classifications.

Entropy Beyond Decision Trees:

While decision trees offer an intuitive explanation of entropy, its significance extends far beyond this specific algorithm.

Entropy-based concepts find widespread application in other machine learning techniques, such as random forests, gradient boosting, and support vector machines. In each case, entropy serves as a guide for feature selection, model training, and decision making.

Cluster Entropy

Additionally, entropy is not limited to classification problems. It finds utility in clustering algorithms, where it measures the dispersion of data points within clusters. It also plays a role in anomaly detection, where unusual patterns or outliers are identified by their deviation from expected entropy levels.


Understanding entropy is paramount to comprehending the nature of uncertainty and randomness.

Through its role in decision trees and other algorithms, entropy guides the process of feature selection, partitioning data, and making informed decisions. By quantifying uncertainty and disorder, entropy empowers machine learning models to navigate complex datasets, identify patterns, and generate reliable predictions.

