Harnessing Parallelism: How GPUs Revolutionize Computing

An Introductory explanation of GPUs to answer all your questions

Harshita Sharma
5 min readAug 17, 2023



In the vast landscape of modern computing, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) stand as the unsung heroes that have transformed the way we approach complex tasks and challenges.

Initially designed to render stunning graphics in video games, GPUs have rapidly evolved into powerful tools that unlock unprecedented computational capabilities.

From Graphics to General-Purpose Computing

Originally, GPUs were conceived to cater to the insatiable thirst for immersive graphics experiences in the gaming world.

Their ability to process intricate graphical elements and render them in real-time brought virtual worlds to life. However, innovation knows no bounds, and researchers soon realized that the parallel processing prowess of GPUs could be harnessed for a myriad of other applications beyond gaming.

How fast GPU computation can be

Parallel Architecture

Parallel architecture is the fundamental design principle that underpins the impressive processing capabilities of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).

Basic layout of a parallel problem

It involves designing a system to perform multiple tasks concurrently rather than sequentially, like having multiple workers in a factory who can work on different parts of a product simultaneously, resulting in faster production.

GPUs are specifically engineered for parallelism, which gives them a significant advantage over Central Processing Units (CPUs) for tasks that can be divided into smaller subtasks.

Multiple Cores:

A GPU consists of a large number of smaller processing units known as cores. Each core can execute its instructions independently of the others, which allows for parallel processing.

Modern GPUs can have thousands of cores, enabling them to handle a massive number of calculations at the same time.

Threads and Warps:

GPUs process tasks using threads. Threads are organized into groups called warps (NVIDIA) or wavefronts (AMD). These groups are executed in parallel across multiple cores.

If one thread encounters a delay (e.g., accessing memory), the other threads in the same group can continue processing, minimizing idle time.

Thread Hierarchy:

Threads are organized into blocks, and blocks are organized into a grid. This hierarchical structure enables efficient management of tasks and coordination of threads. Each thread can access its unique data, allowing complex operations to be performed on different pieces of data simultaneously.

Memory Hierarchy:

GPUs have various types of memory, each with a specific purpose in parallel processing:

  • Global Memory: Large but slower memory for storing data accessible by all cores.
  • Shared Memory: Faster memory shared among threads in a block, facilitating data exchange.
  • Local Memory: Each thread has its private memory for temporary storage.
  • Constant Memory: Read-only memory for storing constants accessible to all threads.
  • Texture and Cache Memory: Optimized for accessing regularly structured data.

SIMD Execution:

GPUs use Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) execution.

This means a single instruction can be executed on multiple data elements simultaneously, enhancing parallelism. For instance, a single instruction can simultaneously manipulate multiple pixels in an image.

Compute APIs:

To utilize GPUs, developers use programming languages like CUDA (for NVIDIA GPUs) or OpenCL (for multiple vendors’ GPUs).

These programming frameworks provide libraries and tools for managing memory, launching computations on the GPU, and synchronizing data between the CPU and GPU.

If you want to study the detailed architecture, you can check out this amazing Introduction to parallel computing doc.

Applications accross the spectrum

The transformational impact of GPUs spans an wide range of industries.

Scientific Research

GPUs act as catalysts for complex simulations, modeling phenomena from particle collisions to planetary climate changes. They crunch numbers at speeds that accelerate discoveries, cutting through the complex maze of possibilities, helping scientist accelerate their research by multiple folds.

The Sharpe group at EMBL Barcelona is using GPUs to build agent-based models for morphogenesis, like this branching sequence

Machine Learning and AI

In the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, GPUs have set the stage for monumental advancements. The intensive matrix computations essential for training neural networks find their match in GPUs’ parallel architecture.

Tasks that would take weeks on traditional CPUs now unfold in days, or even hours, birthing intelligent systems that redefine our interaction with technology.

The Creative Industry

Venturing into the realm of entertainment, GPUs continue to redefine the boundaries of creativity. Video editing, post-production effects, and animation are revolutionized by GPUs’ ability to process and render intricate scenes in real-time.

The film industry, once reliant on lengthy rendering times, now revels in the immediacy of artistic vision.


In the field of healthcare, GPUs offer a lifeline to expedited diagnoses and breakthrough treatments. GPUs accelerate image processing and reconstruction in medical imaging, enabling faster and more detailed scans in fields like MRI, CT scans, and 3D medical imaging.

Cryptocurrency Mining:

Some cryptocurrencies require complex mathematical computations to validate transactions and secure the network. GPUs are commonly used for cryptocurrency mining due to their parallel processing capabilities.

Automotive and Autonomous Vehicles:

GPUs are used in self-driving cars for tasks like object detection, image recognition, and real-time decision-making based on sensor data.

Oil and Gas Exploration:

In seismic analysis, GPUs help process vast amounts of seismic data, enabling more accurate geological assessments.

Aerospace and Engineering:

GPU-powered simulations are used to analyze aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, and structural integrity in aircraft and spacecraft design.


In conclusion, the evolution of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) stands as a testament to the remarkable capacity of human ingenuity. From their beginnings as graphics accelerators, GPUs have journeyed far beyond the realm of gaming, emerging as transformative instruments in fields as diverse as scientific research, artificial intelligence, creative arts, and autonomous technologies.

As we celebrate their past accomplishments and anticipate their future contributions, one thing is certain: the journey of GPUs is far from over. With each innovation, each breakthrough, and each new application, GPUs continue to forge ahead, transforming our world one parallel computation at a time.

