An end of year round-up at Accurx

Jacob Haddad
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, and Covid continues to cause disruption to healthcare across the globe, we’re extremely grateful to our health service for continuing to provide care while administering a record number of boosters day after day.

A reflection on 2021

It’s been another testing year for the health system and we’re really humbled that our software has supported some of the incredible work of healthcare staff across the country. This year:

Our platform has evolved

We aim to build products that enable easy and efficient communication across the healthcare system to connect those involved in a patient’s care. Some of our product changes this year include:

  • Introducing Patient Triage, freeing up GP practices’ phone lines and saving them time with simple online access for patients that’s integrated with the clinical system and saves to the patient’s medical record.
  • Piloting Record View, our record sharing feature, to give clinicians an instant view of their patient’s GP medical record summary, with patient permission.
  • Improving our web platform, Accurx web, which is free to use for anyone in the NHS. We’ve added security features such as two-factor authentication and patient message history to give an instant overview of the communication history with a patient.
  • Expanding accuMail, our email inbox, to allow anyone involved in a patient’s care to contact each other in one simple step, with the ability to send messages and attach referral letters and clinical documents.

Over 28 million Covid-19 vaccinations have been booked with accuBook

Little over a year ago we built accuBook, a product for general practices to easily invite patients to book their Covid-19 vaccine appointments. accuBook saves healthcare staff a huge amount of time as they would otherwise have had to rely on manually calling and sending letters to patients to invite them to vaccine clinics.

I’m so proud of the team who have constantly adapted the product to fit with new guidance, recently tweaking accuBook to make it both clinically suitable and usable for the booster drive. It’s been incredibly rewarding to support the booking of over 28 million Covid-19 vaccines.

We received Series B funding to support our vision of joining up communication

A few months ago, we raised funding from our investors which enables us to take a leap closer to our vision of joining up communication across the health and social care system. The funds will help us to build more products that truly make a difference to healthcare teams and grow the team to help us do this.

The Accurx team has grown 140%

This year alone, we’ve grown from a team of 56 to 135 accuFolk today. We’ve introduced two clans — one supporting primary care and the other focusing on growing adoption in secondary care. We’ve introduced entirely new functions, from Communications to Behavioural Science and Finance.

What does 2022 hold?

Healthcare teams continue to operate under immense pressure, and they’ve had to adapt quickly to the ever-changing pandemic. We’ve seen first-hand the innovation gains they’ve made throughout the pandemic, with healthcare staff adopting technologies to support their patients even more.

We believe that communication is fundamental to valuable and personalised care and we’re building a communication platform to seamlessly connect everyone involved in a patient’s care. As we head into an uncertain 2022, we’re focused on building products that provide more value to GP practices and broaden our offering in secondary care.

Check out our public roadmap to see what we’re working on.

The new year will bring more growth amongst our team and we’re excited to welcome 10 new joiners in January.

Thank you

Before we head into the final week of 2021, I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who works in healthcare — you’re doing an amazing job to keep this country going and we’re all behind you. To all of our users, we really appreciate the time you give to share your ideas, pilot new products, give us feedback, and allow us to research.

And, a massive thank you to the entire Accurx team. We’re sad to not be ending the year together in the office, but I’m proud to work alongside each of you and I’m looking forward to growing with you in 2022.



Jacob Haddad
Editor for

Bringing patients and their healthcare teams together. Co-founder @accuRx , backed by @atomico @join_EF @localglobevc