Sharing our journey on other mediums

Jenny Sivapalan
Published in
Aug 6, 2021

As well as blogging we enjoy sharing our journey over podcasts and videos.

Recently we had our summer conference where we talked about our future and recorded this video on Life @ accuRx

Life @ accuRx video

Laurence Bargery talked to The Insider on accuRx history, products and how we’ve grown. In this podcast Laurence talks about our culture and Values which form part of our hiring process and career progression framework. You can watch it below on or listen on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

The Insider with Laurence Bargery

Laurence also spoke to Tech Nation about how we built the Covid-19 vaccine appointment solution in 4 weeks.

Show The Code — Tech Nation video

We regularly post updates on our product on YouTube and you can see the impact we had in 2020 and our mission with this company video:

accuRx video — our journey in 2020

