Day 102, Rails and Blind Capybara

Irfan Durrani
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018

So today was another day of us working on our Acebook project at Makers Academy, I honestly don’t remember the day number and too tired to count them so I’ll go with 102 as it only seems fair.

Our day started with reluctant stand up where we found out that our implementation of showing user’s first name with the post was flawed, it was always showing current user’s name and not the name of the author. Weird! as I can swear we implemented that correctly. Anyway, I blamed the other teams for it, since it was easier to do that than explain how we’ve missed out on that.

Other teams need to stop tinkering with our code ;)

Ammar and I were in-charge of fixing that. So we sat thinking it’ll take long but it took exactly 3 minutes and 47 seconds to sort that out, partly because we’re awesome at correcting our own stupid mistakes.

After fixing the name stuff, team Super Cool (that’s me and Ammar), started working on implementing likes for posts. Ammar with his exceptional database knowledge and me with super intelligent debugging techniques soon got stuck at stupid Capybara! And no, it’s not that cute little furry thing either! Capybara is that awesome tool which sometimes sh*ts on your head and makes you shout “ARE YOU F*CKIN BLIND??!??! JUST CLICK THE LINK! I can see that, I’m sure you can see that too! JUST. CLICK. IT”!

Us when Capybara fails to see a perfectly visible button.

After spending more time than we’d like to admit, we got that to work and saw some green. Sweet Jesus! That green never looked! I must give the shout out to Hemesh for introducing me to save_and_open_page, it made things a lot more easier and gave us some visibility. Almost like when you’re blind for a while and someone gives you non-blinding medicine (I’m sure I’ve seen something like that in a movie).

So yeah, we ended up implementing likes and dislikes (our killer feature if you remember).

Team Awesome (Antonio and Ágnes), on the other hand had massive task of introducing comments for posts. They started off with the leftover code from Friday and soon realised that they should start afresh since after 2 days of not staring at the same code and screaming f words made it a lot more difficult to understand it.

To top that, Capybara didn’t really like them but by the looks of it, they both seem pretty satisfied. They had much fun and learned a lot. Edward introduced them to save_and_open_page and like me, they were pretty chuffed with that.

Let’s just pretend this is a blind capybara.

Ágnes complained during our end of the day retro that times goes quickly, I’m sure that’s due to new batteries in the clock but let’s not tell her that.

To end this blog, It was a good productive day overall. We got a lot done and tomorrow should be smooth sailing too (it better be!).

Bye and enjoy this gif


