Day 3 — Byte 4

Ágnes Donát
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2018

Stand up: we decided to do some more research on layout, testing, and travis. As our team was down to three people, each of us focused on one topic. We also set an afternoon goal: finish testing and implementing user authentication and some features of posts.

At 12pm we gathered and had a mini workshop. Everybody had roughly 20 minutes to talk about their topic.

After lunch, we started working on one of the user stories: “user can sign up”. Installing the devise gem, we thought it would take no time to implement this feature, but soon we realised that testing it was a different kettle of fish… The CV Workshop forced us to take a break from the problem, but it also meant that we could not deliver our MVP by the end of the day.

Retro: in the evening it was just two of us reflecting on the day. Antonio and I both agreed that the best part of the day was the afternoon mob programming on user authentication. On the other hand, sharing the result of our research in the morning was not as efficient as we hoped for, leaving us slightly confused about the topics we did not research.

Tomorrow: we would like to focus on testing and updating our diagram to have a better understanding of the complex MVC pattern.

