Acent — User-centered Internet through blockchain Web 3.0 technology.

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4 min readOct 28, 2021

The internet has affected people’s daily lives and brought about major changes in the society through the development of modern technologies. Currently, the internet is moving to a decentralized era, marking the onset of a new beginning

The combination of web browsers and blockchain opens up a new paradigm for web experiences.

Acent ( has established itself as a WEB3.0 blockchain based technology company, widely acclaimed by “Golden Finance”, China’s largest blockchain media, and “Coin Telegraph”, an American global media outlet specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Acent uses a token economy that combines blockchain-based WEB3.0 browser and token to fuel its user-centric web services. It also serves as WEB3.0’s gateway through extensive adoption of blockchain and its pioneering models to continuously improve product quality.

Acent upscales blockchain technology.

Acent ascertains possible issues that arise in the blockchain through its own designed architecture and solves the issues too.

  • OCEAN (Osiris Crypto Engine Acent iNterface)
    OCEAN architecture handles cryptocurrency transactions in the ACENT ecosystem and solves the transaction delay issues
  • ODIN (Osiris Desktop application INterface)
    ODIN is built in a way that it manages optimization and executes processing of dApp, platform and game installation.
  • ACENT Mainnet
    Acent mainnet uses the POSA & ASAP system. POSA or “Proof of Stake Authority” means that users who have proven their staking can be rewarded with ACE for Nitro accumulated in the Acent Substance Accumulation Pool (ASAP).

Acent presents a unique ecosystem and differentiated economic model.

Acent presents a token economy model with its unique ecosystem for the new Web 3.0 experience.

  • ACENT(Symbol:ACE): As the key currency for all economic activities of ACENT products, used as a means of exchange within the Acent ecosystem.
  • Widely used in ACENT’s own ecosystem and platforms linked to it, such as building tokenomics (token economy), trading, economic activity, and fees.
  • ACE plays a central role by connecting the ACENT ecosystem with other tokenomics from different platforms through OCEAN and ODIN.
  • Nitro (similar to Gas paid on Ethereum networks) is a payment fee for dApp or service activities within the Acent ecosystem.
  • Provide compensation to users participating in the Proof of Stake Authority (POSA) agreement on ACENT Mainnet or De-Fi activities.
  • dApp developers can use one of the payment methods for providing dApp services as ACE.
  • Optimized blockchain experience through cooperation with dAppstore

Acent offers a natural blockchain experience through unique products.

  • WEB3.0 Osiris Browser
    Designed to understand the blockchain language and be compatible with blockchain, Osiris browser is a third generation (WEB3.0) browser dedicated to blockchain that focuses on user experience and has high performance in terms of convenience and security. Currently, Ethereum and Tron Networks are 99% compatible. It also offers dAppstore for blockchain optimization experience such as dApp, NFT, and games.
  • Acent Mainnet
    Acent Mainnet is made to coexist with major blockchain networks, Acent Mainnet provides various solutions to the current blockchain network problems such as speed and fees through the establishment of a blockchain algorithm network, and provides improved features to establish a virtual cycle ecosystem.
  • Metawallet
    Metawallet, an integral multi-wallet that runs on Web3.0 Osiris browser, supports safe and secure cryptocurrency-related transactions. It is multi-network compatible and boasts high compatibility with major networks.
  • Liberty open-source meta search engine
    Liberty Meta search engine encourages freedom of speech, gives out reliable information on the Internet through a user reliability review system. User activation is done through the Osiris browser infrastructure.
  • dAppstore
    dAppstore is contains blockchain related content that is integrated with the Osiris browser to provide the most optimized blockchain service for users. It supports driving a variety of network-based apps in conjunction with user-centered UX/UI and Acent Metawallet technology.

Acent aims to provide User-Centered Internet Service by establishing a token economy that combines a blockchain-based Web 3.0 browser.

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