Acent’s “Your Earth” metaverse service teams up with NGO “Earth” to create appreciating economic systems focused on humanitarian action

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5 min readMar 8, 2022
Your Earth & Earth Partnership

Your Earth, a global innovative metaverse project, is announcing an agreement with Earth to promote a more human application of blockchain technologies by supporting public interest. As part of the agreement, parties will cooperate to create a new economic model that puts Acent blockchain and Your Earth’s NFTs into philanthropic action.

What is “Earth”?

Earth’s Facebook page

Earth is our planet-centered project and an NGO that has over 1.2 million subscribers on Facebook. It aims to raise awareness, mobilize, empower world citizens and decision-makers in the fight against climate change, endangered animals, and others. The project strives to contribute positively to the sustainability of development policies and promote the participation of citizens as change-makers.

What is “Your Earth”?

Your Earth for humanitarian action

Your Earth, driven by Acent’s blockchain technology and designed for blockchain-specific products, is a “One Perfect Life — Platform Service ‘’ aimed to facilitate mass adoption of Acent while benefiting real society and people in the material world.

Your Earth, which advocates our familiar home and life closely, provides a variety of services and infrastructure beyond reality through third-generation metaverse space.

Your Earth gives people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or, social status, the opportunity to monetize their creativity without the need for large capital.

This enables Your Earth’s new economy, society, culture, and evolved internet system to create numerous values and apply fair opportunities at business levels, leading to real material values.

It is also inextricably linked to the grandiose plans of the company to create an NFT based universe and support the rollout of blockchain and other vanguard technologies around the world while protecting our physical planet as well.

Your Earth power by Acent.

Your Earth, supported by Unreal Engine 5, provides a free space for every user to express themselves and to build a new world for our networked future. It will offer a one-of-a-kind P2E gaming, earning, NFT trading, and investment experience. Based on the neoliberal governance, Your Earth will also open a new frontier to freely earn passive income in the decentralized metaverse free from moribund and unresponsive bureaucracies from other big tech companies.

Users who acquire NFT land squares with Acent cryptocurrency (ACE) in Your Earth can immediately start transforming their assets into the famous gathering spot. Higher foot traffic on the land ultimately will generate more ACE. What’s the wildest is that Your Earth provides a free space to craft and sell NFTs and create a greater use case for the ACE itself. Armed with governance tokens and various airdrops, Your Earth aims to create a paramount economic model that drives Acent blockchain into humanitarian aid.

Your Earth’s Demo

How Does “Your Earth” Support Ethical Best Practices for Blockchain?

Your Earth and Earth will work closely with experts in the industry, environment-focused non-governmental organizations (NGO) and academia to unlock economic, and social opportunities through Your Earth metaverse. Your Earth’s unique business model already provides possibilities to build metaverse responsibly and to allocate part of generated income into a good cause, including but not limited to the financial donations to the NGO that is promoting the protection of nature, global biodiversity, and human communities. Thus, the more Your Earth metaverse develops, the higher its involvement in environmental projects.

Users will need the necessary resources to develop and make their plot attractive in Your Earth metaverse. For instance, in order to create a building in real life, one will need necessary materials, such as cement, water, and others. Similarly in Your Earth metaverse, users will need necessary materials to construct NFT buildings. For that purpose, users will have to have a Pylon.

What is Pylon?

It is an object that generates resources or materials that are essential when making objects in the Your Earth ecosystem. It can generate various materials, such as Ironium (In), Star Dust (SD), Water (H2O), Cementium (Ce), Momentium (Mo), and Dark Matter (DM). In order to get Pylon users need to buy Acent Cryptocurrency, that is being sold at Kucoin and

Ironium (In) Pylon from Your Earth

Your Earth will aim to bridge the gap between its metaverse project and techno-solutionism-based ethical best practices for blockchain. To put it simply, our goal will be achieved by donating a share of its generated gain from Pylon to the NGOs or the academia dedicating their efforts to protect our planet. For example, donations might be used to build houses, schools, and libraries as well as to improve the sanitary environment, including the establishment of joint drinking water systems and toilets in third world countries.

Your Earth, as a pioneer in “blockchain’s humanitarian action’’, will also implement governance functionality, in order to allow users to take part in shaping the future of its high-tech metaverse. Acent cryptocurrency will be used as a governance token to grant voting power to its community members. For more information, please read the White Paper.

What is a governance token?

Governance tokens, used in decentralized ecosystems, are tokens that developers create to allow token holders to help shape the future of a protocol. The powers denoted by the governance tokens may include authority to change the project’s protocol, adjust privacy settings, and others.

The licensing partnership between Your Earth and Earth will also promote the digital universe to be developed around ecological themes as well as be the functional sign in the Your Earth metaverse.

Finally, various airpods by Acent Blockchain will be provided to further accelerate project development. Parties agreed not to disclose information on the airdrop value, however in order to stay always informed join official channels below.

News about the event/airdrop/project will be released first on our Twitter account.

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ACENT aims to provide user-centered Internet service by establishing a token economy that combines a blockchain-based Web 3.0 browser with an account token.