AMA Recap: Acent — Your Earth DAO x KuCoin Vietnam

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13 min readAug 10, 2022

Metaverse Application Designed for Mass Adoption

  • 20:00 on August 4, 2022 (Vietnam time UTC+7
  • AMA Venue: KuCoin Vietnam (Telegram: @ KuCoinVietNam)
  • The AMA consists of three parts:
  • Part 1: Introduction of guests and projects
  • Part 2: Answer the collected questions from form
  • Part 3: Free asking

👉🏻 AMA : Vietnam Blog.ver

Part 1: Introduction of guests and projects

  1. Kucoin Vietnam : Welcome to today’s AMA. Can you briefly introduce yourself and Acent?

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Hello everyone! I’m so happy to be here today. Let me introduce myself briefly: I am Sean Kim, Founder/CEO of Acent, and have been in more than five years of experience in the blockchain field.

In Acent, we have developed many Web3.0 blockchain-based technology and products with the vision of establishing a token economy that combines blockchain-based Web3.0 Acent Browser and token to fuel its user-centric web services.

It also serves as Web3.0 gateway to AAA-rated games and high-performance web services. Now we are close to launching a public alpha test version of an Unreal Engine 5 based web service. It is the closest thing you can think of to a “Ready-Player-One” style immersive web service.

We call this the #metaweb and define it as the immersive, decentralized, gamified infrastructure layer 1 network for social media and entertainment content interaction. You can visit the website to discover our ecosystem at:

2. Kucoin Vietnam: Kucoin Vietnam: I see Acent doing a lot of planning with the latest product, Your Earth DAO. So what exactly is it?

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Thank you for the question. It is the product that we would like to introduce to you in this AMA. To implement the #metaweb concept that we have mentioned above, we have launched Your Earth DAO metaverse (YED) which is an open-world decentralized metaverse within the #metaweb which Acent has defined it as a new immersive gamified internet service.

With unprecedented modern technologies applied to a metaverse, YED provides participants (who are called meta-citizens) with an immersive experience within it like what one can encounter in popular entertainment products like “Ready Player One” or “The Sims” with high-end AR/VR graphics.

What’s most unique is that Your Earth DAO provides tools to help developers and users publish meta-apps that are full-scale apps, high-end games, and other unique services. Supported by the DAO governance system, a free and unique economy will be created with unlimited ideas from the community, forming the basis for a new generation of internet economy.

I also have a video here to present :

3. Kucoin Vietnam : Your Earth DAO is an open world metaverse project and we are informed that you are announcing the first sale of Land NFT for your metaverse. Can you introduce these NFTs?

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Your Earth DAO is releasing limited NFT lands, we call it Land Spot in the smallest unit. In this time, we will introduce to you the lands of Acent City. Acent city land is unique because it allows the owners to mine EDAO tokens and tradeable ZEP energy. EDAO tokens gives you the power to receive ecosystem earnings along with governance benefits.

We are planning the first Acent city Land Spot NFT sale event on Sep 6th. As this is imminent it is best to stay tuned to our social media channels.

Besides the benefits of EDAO & $ACE mining, many activities in Your Earth DAO require a land spot to proceed, such as: Mine tradable meta-resources and energy, land renting, build businesses, develop meta real estate and more. It is easy to understand since this is an open-space metaverse and land is an important resource. The sooner you get your NFT, the better your lead in YED. That’s why we always encourage passionate users to own Land Spot NFT early and come up with ideas to jointly build prosperous areas and share benefits.

4. Kucoin Vietnam: hat role does Acent token ($ACE) play in Your Earth DAO? How will Your Earth DAO affect this token?

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: The $ACE is used as the base cryptocurrency in the Your Earth DAO for new jobs and economies to be created, compensating users and enabling utilities and experiences on the platform.

By spending $ACE, users can buy and sell NFT items, access and monetize a meta-application, meta-resource, NFTs, and other digital assets, including upgrading of avatars or game characters, and participate in many other activities in the YED platform.

In other words, you will be a boring person lost in a lively world like Your Earth DAO without the $ACE token. We hope that as the number of services and products created in Your Earth DAO increases and meets the diverse needs and tastes of meta-citizens, the demand for owning $ACE tokens will increase.

When this token is actively participating and circulating from users and service providers in YED, it will create a creative economy and move forward in a sustainable way.

5. Kucoin Vietnam: Play-to-Earn is an integral part of the recent development of cryptocurrency, so how will you bring Play-to-Earn into Your Earth DAO?

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: The play-to-earn (P2E) mechanics and economy are among the perceived drivers that would propel the widespread use of blockchain. However, one lesson learned is that sustainability requires more than just becoming a “Play-to-Earn” platform. The platform should include modes and features that appeal to players who are not motivated by financial gain. This will create a network of loyal and supportive enthusiasts.

I also have a video here to present :

This is why Acent’s decentralized gamified web does not operate on a strictly “Play-to-Earn” basis, but rather has evolved into a high-performance, immersive, reality-based ‘Ready Player One’-style metaverse service.

Acent would enable developers to create or develop their own applications and convert non-blockchain games or other applications to blockchain-based applications — all of which could be deployed to the metaweb YED public domain to reach a global audience.

Therefore, developers in YED can create their own versions of P2E Starcraft or MOBA for public consumption within the metaverse. Removing limitations on graphics and Game Engine, developers can unleash their creativity with exciting gameplay and memorable user experiences instead of just a boring P2E game.

Part 2: Answer the collected questions from form

  1. I know that Your Earth DAO has a governance system with EDAO tokens. Can you explain about this system, its role and how users can obtain EDAO? From Telegram user @vuvantoi94

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: In our tokenomics, EDAO is the governance/revenue share token of Your Earth DAO. In addition to the right to propose and vote, EDAO also lets you earn $ACE incentives from the UBI wallet and the ecosystem incubation fund.

To explain the above 2 “treasures, The Metaweb Incubation Fund (which has approximately 300 million $ACE) is a community incubation fund that aims to reward the Acent pledgers who own EDAO tokens. And Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a pool to store fees collected from YED and will be redistributed to many objects as described in the following chart.

For meta-citizens, to obtain EDAO and exploit the above sustainable benefit funds, in addition to owning a Land Spot NFT as abov, you can also participate in the Acent Pledging program, mortgage your $ACE and get EDAO back as well with an attractive $ACE interest rate attached. For in the first year, you can earn an attractive ACE interest rate of 13%, not including a non-fixed bonus from UBI.

Acent Pledging season is underway and you can join immediately to get your first EDAO tokens and possibly a chance to win very valuable NFTs. Details can be found at:

2. What makes $ACE stand out from other projects on the market? From @thumiinn

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Thank you @thumiinn, to answer this question, I will list some of the following points:

3. Acent infrastructure usually mention #metaweb, can you explain what are the metaweb features in Acent? From @Lethamduongg

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: During the development of the internet & cryptocurrency world, we realized the need for a new immersive, captivating web infrastructure that can enforce essential benefits of Web3 such as transparent distributed governance policy systems is imminent.

Accordingly, we are defining the term “metaweb” as the immersive, decentralized, gamified infrastructure layer 1 network for social media and entertainment content interaction. As per the aforementioned factors, the following criteria must be met for a network to fall within the category of a metaweb service for users to enjoy its benefits while guaranteeing their safety, there are some certain standards as infographic below. An infographic will be much easier to convey information.

4. If I am interested in this project, how do I become an early investor in this project? What are the ways to make a profit for the participants of Your Earth DAO? From Telegram user @vbao98

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: To describe briefly, you can become an early investor in Your Earth DAO in the following ways. Remember, the sooner you join, the more advantages and other long-term benefits you will have.

  • As an $ACE holder: $ACE is the base currency of the #metaweb and Your Earth DAO, which means that it will be the currency used to pay for expenses and transactions for almost anything. Therefore, the demand for ace tokens is expected to increase. You can also pledge your $ACE to receive EDAO governance/revenue share tokens OR stake $ACE and receive reward for contributing to maintenance and security of the Acent POSA network.
  • As an $EDAO Seeker: $EDAO is the governance/revenue share tokens. With EDAO, you can pledge it to get the corresponding $ACE profit, and also get a share of the platform’s profit.
  • As a Land Spot NFT Landlord: The NFT Land Spot is something early investors of Your Earth DAO should not miss. In addition to providing the ability to earn $EDAO, it will be the basis for you to participate in all other profitable activities in Your Earth DAO. EDAO is the secret key to an unlimited revenue generated from the platform.

5. What is the main goal of the Acent project in 2022? Tell us more about Acent’s Marketing VISION and MISSION? From @mytieuha

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: One of our top priorities is completing OPEN WORLD STAGE of Your Earth DAO. Then user can virtually walk and wander around the 4D virtual spaces and environment that are beautifully rendered via VR technology or other compatible applications.

You can check out our full road map here:

In terms of marketing activities, our vision is to create a loyal community and support the spread of Your Earth DAO, because the ecosystem needs a lot of members to participate in both the role of creator and also the consumer of the product. We aspire to a strong community that can create a new generation of the economy and social culture to be formed within our metaverse. We are having an ambassador program to attract support and companions from many famous influencers.

Ambassador program application link for Influencers and Content creators:

Part 3: Free asking

  1. Are you a global or a local project? At present, which market are you focused on? Is it building and growing to gain customers, users, and partners? From @tieuhaan

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: We are gaining significant positive excitement and feedback before launching our NFT land sales in Indonesia and Vietnam. At the same time, most of the highly active traffic data comes from North America. As we progress, we will continue to expand further into other countries.

As we mobilize our traffic strategies, we are confident communities will form fast after the product season 1 alpha test on August 9th. .

We are so happy to introduce the ACENT Vietnamese . Come join and build a community with us!

2. Almost 80% of investors are focused on the price of a token in the short term. Understanding the real value of the project comes second. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token long-term? From @dungmyngoc

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Before giving a few thoughts on this question, I would recommend that interested people consult our whitepaper on tokenomics section at:

  • As Ethereum is the base currency on the ethereum blockchain, Acent is the base currency used as cash and required for all transactions on the metaweb. You will need it to deploy dapps, meta-apps, pay for nitro(gas in Ethereum), therefore it is the first currency for the metaweb especially Your Earth DAO.
  • There are many $ACE pledging (similar to staking) programs that will encourage users to accumulate and lock up their $ACE tokens to receive rewards from our products. For example, pledging $ACE for Your Earth will give back pledgers NFTs and other valuable rewards. Acent Pledging season is underway and you can join immediately to get your first EDAO tokens and possibly a chance to win very valuable NFTs. Details can be found at:
  • There are buy back mechanisms and partial burn mechanisms for $ACE tokens we collect from service charges and on-chain transaction fees inside Your Earth DAO.

3. As I know, this project is relatively new; you’re just getting started. Can you tell us about the progress you have made so far? What has been the most important update at the moment, and where are you currently focused on? From @olala_222

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: Because of the limited time, we encourage you to check out our achievements and future plans at:

Currently we are focusing on: Acent Mainnet, Your Earth DAO metaweb and the alpha test release of a league of legends style play to earn MOBA inside the Your Earth DAO metaweb.

4. What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and improving your token’s value? @Duongdj

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: In ACENT, One of our goals is utilizing Acent Browser’s web 3.0 technology & ecosystems to provide users with a seamless experience without requiring prior blockchain knowledge. So non-crypto investors can easily experience Acent products especially YED with our complete and secure tools. Because they can easily experience first-hand, non-crypto investors can have a more accurate view of the potential of Acent and YED for investment decisions.

Besides, Your Earth DAO is not limited to business models and you can completely bring ideas from real life into YED. For example, you can display your physical products in 3D in your store in YED, and when someone buys it you can record the information and ship it to the customer. I think this will be an important factor to attract non-crypto investors to develop their business inside Your Earth DAO.

5. I have learned that Acent has built their own blockchain, Acent Blockchain. Can you talk about it? From @thongoc22

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: During the process of learning about the technical requirements for building a full-scale metaverse, we realized that building the metaverse on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1) would most likely address security but not scalability due to its low throughput of only 17 transactions per second (TPS), potentially resulting in extremely high gas fees.

As a result, we has created a new solution to run the Your Earth DAO metaverse was proposed: a first-layer protocol built on the Acent blockchain that would address all inefficiencies in existing metaverses. The Acent blockchain technology will provide the following special capabilities to the Your Earth DAO metaverse.

  • Kucoin Vietnam: On behalf of all KuCoin Việt Nam communities, thank you for your good information.

> Sean Kim | CEO Acent: The time has come right? There are so many questions that I want to answer but maybe the time of today’s AMA won’t allow it If you are interested in Acent and Your Earth DAO and have more questions. You can join our community and media channel:




Editor for

ACENT aims to provide user-centered Internet service by establishing a token economy that combines a blockchain-based Web 3.0 browser with an account token.