Introducing ACEI technology — the solution behind the seamless cryptocurrency transaction in the Acent ecosystem

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5 min readSep 26, 2022

The somewhat sophisticated yet slow crypto processing has become a key impediment to mass adoption of blockchain technology. ACENT blockchain technology overcomes this challenge as well as several other blockchain barriers through ACEI (Acent Crypto Engine Interface). Let’s take a look at how ACEI can help you get more out of your blockchain experience, particularly with NFT metaverse applications.

Even though legacy transaction networks like Visa are capable of handling 2,000 transactions per second we nevertheless occasionally experience modest delays in processing. Blockchain networks such as Ethereum, on the other hand, can only handle 15 to 20 transactions per second while Bitcoin networks can only process 3–7 transactions per second.

At this glacial pace, you’ll be second-guessing whether you want blockchain to be a part of your everyday routine. Here are some more impediments to blockchain adoption:

Blockchain Mass Adoption Roadblock #1. Very expensive mining fees

The blockchain technology is a highly complex chain of codes — the higher the mathematical functions the less vulnerable it becomes to hackers. Thus it needed powerful computing machines capable of reading higher complex blocks of information. Because these computing machines are scarce and expensive at the same time amidst the skyrocketing demand, you would understand why the transaction fees or gas fees of cryptocurrency or minting of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are very high.

Blockchain Mass Adoption Roadblock #2. Underdeveloped tools to support web-based blockchain games

Most blockchain projects such as NFT games have to rely on extension wallets provided by an external browser. They’d also have to buy and sell their cryptocurrency through an exchange website. These transactions from an internal gaming wallet to an external metamask and subsequently to an exchange to buy or sell cryptocurrency would incur significant transaction costs for the gamer or general user.

Blockchain Mass Adoption Roadblock #3. Lack of skilled developers on blockchain technology amidst high demand

Because blockchain is such a new technology, there aren’t nearly enough software developers working in this area yet. Due to an increase in blockchain initiatives, the demand for blockchain engineers increased by more than 500% in 2019, according to sources. Because of the high demand for software engineers and the lack of supply on the labor market, employing software engineers may be difficult and expensive, slowing down development.

To get the most out of blockchain technology, game developers must address the above-mentioned blockchain barriers, as well as provide engaging games with high-quality visuals and features.

The users must also be able to conduct crypto wallet and exchange transactions in a seamless manner.

But is it even possible to do so? Let us look into the powerful components of Acent’s ACEI architecture.

Acent Crypto Engine Interface (ACEI) — the solution to blockchain mass adoption

Built by in-house blockchain experts of Acent Tech, the Acent Crypto Engine Interface (ACEI) is the technology behind smooth cryptocurrency transactions in the Acent Mainnet. It is integrated in the Acent Metawallet which is developed to access decentralized applications (dApps) from multiple blockchain networks in one application. The combined power of ACEI and the Acent metawallet enables the following features:

  • Integration Platform — Allows third-party application developers to showcase their product and publish it to DAPPX, as well as use Acent services by utilizing ACEI P2E APIs benefitting all users. This means developers will be able to develop P2E resource-heavy, high-end applications using gaming engines such as Unreal Engine 5 and Unity without involving smart contracts;
  • ACEI Base Layer (Microservices) — the main engine that can easily scale up to 300,000 digital transactions per second with minimal transaction fees pooling cryptocurrency transactions into the system for back-end processing;
  • ACE API (Microservices) — the technology that functions in tandem with the OCEAN Engine to simplify crypto transactions by removing the need to transfer cryptocurrencies to a centralized exchange and then trade them again. Because of this technology, users no longer have to send funds to the exchange and risk losing money to transaction fees and the volatility of crypto prices;
  • Crypto Payment Processor (general) — Processor that is being developed to accept seamless payment exchanges from any cryptocurrency through Payment Processor Snippets (PPS);
  • Multichain crypto swaps — send and accept different types of crypto inside the built-in metawallet;
  • SSO (single sign-on) — enables users to use the ecosystem application with a single sign-on without having to give up their personal information to any centralized tech firm in the hope that it will not be abused for mass consensus control and dissemination of global agendas that pose fatal risks.

As a result of the above features, the users may experience the following:

  • Real-time crypto transaction processing;
  • Fewer transaction fees while using $ACE cryptocurrency;
  • Single sign-on (SSO) for all three ecosystem components (i.e. Acent metawallet, dAppstore, COBA, and third-party meta-apps);
  • Multiple important cryptos are available in the wallets for the popular crypto games without complicated swaps and outrageous fees;
  • Scalable microservices to withstand a load of simultaneous transactions at a time; and
  • Better return on investment (ROI) based on fair participation and contribution to exciting new user-generated meta-spaces and meta-application, which naturally allows them to actively monetize their passion.

Final Words

The development of Acent Crypto Engine Interface (ACEI) technology, would allow users to transact NFTs and cryptocurrency transactions without the lengthy or costly mining processes in the Acent ecosystem. It will drive mass blockchain adoption by allowing seamless operation of AAA with real-time crypto processing. More importantly, the ACEI technology will make it possible for the main engine to easily scale up to 300,000 digital transactions per second with minimal transaction fees which is not only good for the user but for the efficiency of Acent ecosystem as whole.


Your Earth DAO is the ideal form of an NFT-based open-source parallel reality for an immersive gamified web service experience built on the Acent blockchain.

It provides AAA-rated, high-performance architectural business environments capable of launching P2E games, meta-apps, meta-sites, and NFT assets, allowing users to monetize their creativity and land ownership. This initiative is being launched in a public webspace built with Unreal Engine 5 on a planet the size of the actual Earth.

Its current technology is geared toward producing a product similar to those depicted in the films Ready Player One and Freeguy.

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ACENT aims to provide user-centered Internet service by establishing a token economy that combines a blockchain-based Web 3.0 browser with an account token.