Stake $ACE! Earn NFT lands!!! (This event has ended)

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6 min readOct 5, 2022

In order to create a decentralized revenue model for more people, a certain number of Your Earth DAO lands can now be owned through Acent staking. The better news is that Your Earth DAO landowners will now have the benefit of getting rewarded from revenue-generating play-to-earn activities, which are placed within the entire metaweb ecosystem. This is on top of the crypto mining feature on their NFT land. These opportunities definitely make one a co-owner of the thriving metaweb. Read more.

In brief

  • Starting October 11, 2022, 21:00 (UTC) you can earn Your Earth DAO NFT lands if you stake an Acent cryptocurrency ($ACE);
  • Stake $ACE 10,000 for 60 days and you will earn 1 Regular Spot worth 0.1 $ETH; or
  • Stake $ACE 25,000 for 60 days and you will earn 1 Themed land spot worth 0.3 $ETH.
  • Take note that after 60 days, you will get your $ACE back plus the benefits of being a Your Earth DAO landowner:
  • Regular land spot owner benefits include: EDAO mining, ZEP mining, $DAPPX and $ACE staking, rental rights to developers, or developing the land yourself to generate traffic;
  • Themed land spot owner benefits: 450% mining rate, progressive, and beautified lands to be developed by the Acent Core Team throughout the product maturity period, allowing owners to monetize these areas;
  • There are only a limited number of lands that will be distributed through this Special Staking Event;
  • Lastly, we are adding $ACE and $DAPPX staking benefits to the land revenue from upcoming play-to-earn games on the metaweb.

Your Earth DAO is more than just a virtual world with metaverse capabilities. Owning a part of it gives you:

  • Access to a hyper-realistic, AAA, immersive gamified web experience that is built on the Acent blockchain;
  • Generate passive income through content monetization similar to Facebook and YouTube; and
  • Opportunity to create, publish, or play games to earn crypto!

It is the very first blockchain metaverse made from Unreal Engine 5 that allows its landowners to earn passive income from the metaweb in 2 easy ways:

  1. Crypto mining from NFT land: $EDAO tokens can be mined from newly acquired NFT lands. This can be converted to $ACE and $ACE to USDT; and
  2. Play-to-Earn Revenue Share: landowners can gain from the 45% revenue share from play-to-earn protocol collection fees by staking $DAPPX.

Other revenue streams, such as trading of NFTs, building infrastructure that could be sold, rented, or utilized, including land rental collections and ads, can also be implemented by landowners to gain profit from the Your Earth DAO metaverse.

In addition, Your Earth DAO will release several features that will allow landowners to creatively curate their NFT lands to become attractive or useful to the various audiences to generate traffic.

Details of the Passive Income Benefits of Your Earth DAO Landowners

  1. Earn $EDAO, Earn $ACE

Landowners will be able to mine $EDAO from their newly acquired land. $EDAO is a protocol fee-earning share and governance token that allows its holders to earn Acent from the UBI pool and participate in the decision-making system of the platform.

$EDAO mining is halved every four years promoting $EDAO scarcity. The number of $EDAO tokens that can be mined on a spot of land will depend on the available $EDAO tokens distributed among the number of landowners for a particular minting period.

Your Earth DAO will soon release its $EDAO mining feature, which will allow landowners to mine $EDAO from their newly acquired land.

Here’s how to get the most of your $EDAO tokens:

  • HOLD — having enough $EDAO in your wallet allows you to have voting power in the decentralized governance system of Your Earth DAO;
  • MONETIZE — $EDAO tokens can be converted to $ACE. $ACE can be withdrawn and converted to USDT or further staked to earn more from the metaweb. Either way, it’s a win-win opportunity for the landowners.
  • STAKE — $EDAO tokens can be staked to earn $ACE from the UBI pool. Those who will stake their $EDAO during the first year will receive the highest gross rate for $ACE earnings. Take note that the staking rate will decrease every year.
EDAO staking procedure on the DAPPX platform

2. Stake $DAPPX and Earn $DAPPX from protocol fees from games

As a landowner, you can also stake $DAPPX cryptocurrency to earn from the Play-to-Earn revenue protocol fees. The protocol fees are pooled and accumulated every time there is a game match on the metaweb platform. These protocol fees are distributed as follows:

  • Landowners who staked $DAPPX — 45%
  • Core Dev Team — 45%
  • 10% burned.

DAPPX will soon launch COBA Royale, a third-person shooter game that has high-quality gameplay and Unreal Engine 5 graphics. Playing this game with another opponent allows them to bet a particular amount with their opponent. A portion of the winning pot would go to the protocol fee and some to the business fee.

For instance, a player bet 1000 $DAPPX to play COBA Royale against someone. A portion of it, or 100 $DAPPX will go to the pool of protocol fees. The other 100 $DAPPX will go to the $APPX business fee. Under the protocol fee, 45 $DAPPX will go to the DAPPX stakers, 45 $DAPPX will go to the Core Dev Team, and 10 $DAPPX will be burned.

Landowners may stake at up to nine levels. Once landowners receive their land, they will be able to stake and upgrade their staking from Level 0 to Level 9. Details of the landowners’ DAPPX staking reward computation will be released soon.

Acent Staking for NFT Land General Guidelines

  • Staking 10,000 $ACE for 60 days will earn the staker one (1) Regular NFT lot worth 0.1ETH in the Your Earth DAO metaverse.
  • Stakers of 25,000 $ACE for 60 days, on the other hand, will earn the staker one (1) Themed NFT lot worth 0.3 ETH in the Your Earth DAO metaverse.
  • Stakers can only stake one at a time but they can stake again after 60 days.
  • Please note that there is no option to un-stake once the staker participates in the 60-day Acent staking.

Final words

The NFT land distribution from Acent staking will occur over a limited period of time. Owning land through Acent staking aims to open Your Earth DAO metaverse to more people who want to access passive income opportunities from the metaweb.

Acent hopes to provide an equitable and fair distribution of benefits among its users. Stay tuned as we release the special benefits of $ACE and $DAPPX staking for NFT landowners.


Your Earth DAO is the ideal form of an NFT-based open-source parallel reality for an immersive gamified web service experience built on the Acent blockchain.

It provides AAA-rated, high-performance architectural business environments capable of launching P2E games, meta-apps, meta-sites, and NFT assets, allowing users to monetize their creativity and land ownership. This initiative is being launched in a public webspace built with Unreal Engine 5 on a planet the size of the actual Earth.

Its current technology is geared toward producing a product similar to those depicted in the films Ready Player One and Freeguy.

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ACENT aims to provide user-centered Internet service by establishing a token economy that combines a blockchain-based Web 3.0 browser with an account token.