Da Nang — The Best City To Live In

Đào Ngọc Huyền
2 min readAug 3, 2017


I am a person who really love traveling. I have traveled to many places and have discovered so many interesting thing in my journey. However, the best journey i have had was a trip to Da Nang city.

White sand and blue watter

There will be a good choice if you choose Da Nang’s beach for your holiday. Nothing better than relax on a beautiful beach like this. If you go to the beach in the early morning, you can watch sunrise on the beach. The first sunshine of a day is very fresh and warm, not hot as at noon. When you touch the water, it is very cool. You can see the bottom because it is very clear. The water will make you feel relax when you soak your body in it.

Street food

I have travelled to many beaches and have tasted so much seafood, but it was the same and i don't really like it. Therefore, one thing i like when i travel to somewhere is tasting street food in there. Street food in Da Nang is not like seafood, it is very diversified, you may have choice. The most interesting food i like is peddling food, especially on the beach. When you swim for a long time and feel hungry, you will very happy if you see a person who peddles food on the beach. But you must put the trash into the garbage to keep the beach clean. You don't want to see your favorite beach become a landfill, do you?

Clean eviroment

Do you know the thing that make Da Nang become a city where everyone wants to live? It is the clean environment in there. Noone wants to drop litter in a place which is the most beautiful in Vietnam. Therefore, international tourists really love traveling to Da Nang. There are about five millions tourists come to Da Nang each year, and the number still keep increasing. If you live here and usually jog on the beach in the early morning, you may have a good health.

You have to come to Da Nang one time in your life. I am sure it will very fun, there are so many interesting things waiting for you.

