What Kind of Learner are You?

ACE Tutors App
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

We made a quiz to determine what kind of learner you are!

There’s no denying that studying can be a drag, so we decided to make it a little easier for you. Take this quiz to determine what kind of learner you are, then head over to our Study Techniques to Suit your Style of Learning to see what you can do to help make studying a breeze.

During lessons, I prefer:

a. Discussing ideas with my friends and the teacher

b. Being able to visualize the concept with images and diagrams

c. Being able to move around the classroom and recreate scenarios that will help explain the concept

When I get bored in class I:

a. Hum or sing softly to myself

b. Play naughts and crosses or sketch pictures

c. Fiddle with my pen (I mean, who hasn’t been told off for clicking their pen?)

When learning a new skill, I prefer:

a. Someone else to explain it to me

b. Watch someone else do it, then try it myself

c. Get straight into it

When ads play on T.V or Youtube I like to:

a. Copy the ads, singing and talking along with them

b. Watch them through

c. Get up and do something to pass the time

When engaging in a story, I prefer to:

a. Listen

b. See a comic strip or illustrations that tell a story

c. Act out a story

My memory works best when I am:

a. Learning peoples’ names

b. Remembering faces

c. Learning physical skills

In class, I like it when the teacher:

a. Explains concepts to the class

b. Uses diagrams to explain a concept

c. Gets us involved in the lesson physically

If I get in trouble, it is often for:

a. Talking in class

b. Drawing on my desk/books

c. Fidgeting

When I am talking, I:

a. Use words my friends don’t know

b. Like to draw to explain myself better

c. Often use my hands a lot

I get distracted in class if I:

a. Hear something happening outside the classroom

b. See something outside the window

c. Am sitting for a long period of time

If I were famous, I would like to be:

a. A singer

b. An actor

c. An athlete

I am good at:

a. Listening

b. Drawing

c. Making things

If you answered mostly A’s: You’re an Auditory Learner!

If you answered mostly B’s: You’re a Visual Learner!

If you answered mostly C’s: You’re a Tactile Learner!

If you answered mostly a combination: You’re a Multi-Sensory Learner!

Not too sure what all this means? Check out ‘Study Techniques to Suit your Style of Learning’.



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