4 games worth the Xbox One

Maruf K. Hossain
Achievement Unlocked
2 min readJun 10, 2013



Apparently this is Crytek’s answer to the God of War franchise, but this is much more than competition - it’s a destroyer. I think QuickTime events are acceptable when a game has innovative graphics and movement, and it is acceptable with this Roman adventure. From the demo shown at Xbox’s E3 press conference earlier today, it’s evident that Crytek’s new IP is going to be big and bad. Although I would’ve probably blown off into space from excitement had they revealed Crysis 4 running on the Xbox One’s power instead, this is nonetheless promising and jam-packed.

Sunset Overdrive

In a conference where Microsoft is starting to scare me and show only childish games comes the one that can sway me to not think so negatively of them, and it’s from a company that knows how to make fun games: Insomniac. After pathetically letting EA walk all over OverStrike (Fuse, seriously?), it will be nice to see the original Spyro creators make what looks like to be a generally multiplayer experience. It looks like a better animation version of Gotham City Impostors at first glance, but more catered to having fun, hopefully.

Dead Rising 3

I’d only ever seen copies of Dead Rising 2 in the value box at Walmart, so I didn’t even bother researching the franchise to know what it was about; however, seeing gameplay footage of 3 with one man surviving hundreds and hundreds of zombies is something I can gnaw my teeth into for sure.

Halo 5 (?)

There’s nothing quite like watching a teaser trailer that has a cloaked figure walking in the desert, only to be ambushed by a giant Promethean beast, and revealing the figure to be the last Spartan. Odd it wasn’t officially labeled Halo 5 (what else are you gonna call it?), but oh well.

