Benefits of Practical Learning: Why Hands-On Experience Outweighs Academic Knowledge

Amelia Sinclair
Published in
7 min readJul 27, 2023


Benefits of Practical Learning: Why Hands-On Experience Outweighs Academic Knowledge

The debate over whether book learning or experiential learning is better has been ongoing for a long time. Ultimately, there are two main ways to learn: through formal education and through hands-on experience. Academic knowledge is acquired through formal education, while practical experience is obtained through applying knowledge in real-life situations.

While studying textbooks and attending lectures are important steps in learning, they cannot replace or compare with the insights that can only be gained through hands-on practical experience. In this article, I will explain why hands-on experience provides more value than academic knowledge alone, even though both forms of learning are useful in their own ways.

As the world continues to evolve and the job market becomes increasingly competitive, those seeking professional growth must decide whether academic education or hands-on experience is the best path for their career development. While traditional universities have historically been considered as the only pathway to professional success, the truth is that in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, hands-on experience is more valuable than any degree.

Most people recognize that hands-on experience is invaluable, but the importance of it…



Amelia Sinclair
Editor for

Passionate storyteller and avid reader. Exploring life's intricacies through the lens of wisdom and words. Committed to inspiring change, one article at a time.