The Art and the Dynamics of Leading Effective Diplomatic Discussions

Kain Ramsay
Published in
6 min readJul 27, 2023

If you are convinced in the value of perpetually upgrading your people skills, then this article is a must-read. It doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from; having the ability to communicate diplomatically and effectively can be an extremely beneficial asset in our lives. After all, every conflict begins with a breakdown in diplomacy!

So, what is diplomacy within the context of our relationships? And why might it be important? Diplomacy is the ability to communicate without creating unnecessary tension, conflict or hurt feelings. It’s about being mindful of other people’s perspectives and feelings, while also expressing our own views openly and honestly.

Diplomacy is an artful approach to interaction with others, leading to peaceable negotiations and shared outcomes. Having effective diplomatic discussions involves several important components. Here are three tips for improving your skills in this area:

Diplomacy Tip #1: Use non-judgmental language. This means avoiding “you” statements and instead framing your comments in terms of “I feel” or “I think”. This will help to reduce the chances of causing offence by implying that the other person is wrong or bad for their perspective.

Diplomacy Tip #2: Listen without interrupting. Listening is a crucial part of improving our communication skills. When someone is talking, take the time to really understand their viewpoint without interrupting or trying to prove why your own point of view is right.

Diplomacy Tip #3: Maintain an open mind. Rather than entering into a discussion with preconceived notions about how it should end, remain flexible and allow the conversation to evolve. By keeping an open mind, you may discover that there is more common ground than you initially anticipated.

Crafting positive relationships requires us to communicate in a diplomatic manner with those whom we value. Diplomacy is an essential skill that can be learned and developed; anyone, regardless of their current communication prowess, can become good at it through practice!

Relationships form the bedrock of society and frame our mental health, whether it be robust or brittle. The quality of our interpersonal associations and intimate connections strongly influences the general quality of how we experience life as a whole.

Diplomacy plays an essential role in sustaining trust within our relationships. It serves as the glue that binds people, communities, and nations together through dialogue, and compromise. Through diplomatic efforts, understanding is fostered between people of different perspectives and mutual respect for these different perspectives is enabled without misunderstanding.

Diplomacy strengthens relationships by creating a basis of trust over time. By engaging in open and respectful dialogue, two people can come away with a better understanding of the other’s perspective. This understanding is conducive to further communication and cooperation.

Dialogue is vital to forming and maintaining our relationships, whether informal, social, or professional. Diplomacy has traditionally been defined in a political sense as the art and practice of peacefully negotiating between representatives of states and nations. The development and maintenance of all human relationships depend upon diplomatic dialogue.

Our communication skills (and our willingness to be diplomatic) influence how we resolve social quandaries, settle disputes, and establish trust within our relationships. A lack of healthy communication can often lead to unnecessary confusion, misunderstandings, disagreements, and a spread of unhealthy communication patterns. It is not a desirable state of affairs.

All people their own unique life journey and set of experiences. You’ll never fully comprehend how I have experienced my life journey in the same way I can never fully appreciate how you’ve experienced yours. This is why it is wise to view each other’s perspectives as unique and strive to engage in meaningful dialogue that create an environment of understanding and respect.

Similarly, when it comes to how we interact with each other, I will express myself according to my beliefs and you can do the same in your own way. At our core though is one shared truth: we are all on a journey alone. Only we have the power to comprehend what’s going on within ourselves — no one else knows that experience better than us, individually, on our own.

Conflict can easily arise in dialogue when two perspectives have difficulty reconciling with one another. Miscommunication and misinterpretation lead to misapprehensions that prevent helpful discourse. Diplomacy is the skill of conveying honest personal truths without creating needless offence, making it an invaluable skillset for sustaining meaningful conversations.

When faced with views that we don’t necessarily understand, many of us tend to disagree. However, utilising disagreement as a communication tactic not only fails to make new friends but also has the potential to alienate people instead of gain their support. Learning the art of expressing your thoughts without diminishing someone else’s is invaluable form of diplomacy.

Flexibility and plasticity are essential if we’re to develop mature and courteous interactions with others. Avoiding needless opposition from people is the best way to keep them interested in what we have to say. Through diplomacy, people are also guided into states of greater willingness and readiness to consider viewpoints that differ from their own.

The way we communicate can have a lasting effect on our relationships. Unfortunately, certain words and phrases do more harm than good. Phrases like “always”, “never”, and “but” indicate a lack of cognitive flexibility which can quickly bring disjointedness into a relationship and sour communication between parties. When someone speaks in absolutes about their views or beliefs with no room for discussion or debate it creates an environment of rigidity and inflexibility that shuts off potential for productive conversation and understanding.

Using words that build up rather than tear down has a positive effect on our relationships. By speaking in a supportive manner, we are able to create a secure environment where all parties feel comfortable expressing their feelings, and opinions. This fosters open dialogue based on mutual respect which in turn leads to stronger relationships with greater depths of connection.

Ultimately, using words that build up rather than tear down encourages growth and cohesions between individuals or even nations; it facilitates collaboration, resolution of conflicts, new perspectives and solutions that might not have otherwise become available. Positively framed communication is the cornerstone for building strong and lasting relationships.

Although disagreements can be indicative of someone’s unwillingness to comprehend another person’s point-of-view, there are certain methods to express disagreement without making the other party feel belittled or judged. Respectful disagreement can be expressed in a variety of respectful ways, and here are some examples:

Respectful Agreement Frame #1. “I understand your viewpoint, and… (here’s mine)”

Respectful Agreement Frame #2. “I respect what you say, and… (here’s my response)”

Respectful Agreement Frame #3. “Fascinating! How have you arrived at this conclusion?”

By embodying this positive agreement frame, we can diplomatically communicate in a way that our message is received without any unnecessary pushback. It’s like a form of verbal Aikido — instead of attempting to conquer other peoples perspectives or beliefs, we redirect our energy towards gaining understand and creating positive outcomes that parties can agree on.

The agreement frame offers a subtle and powerful way to build rapport between people who may otherwise find it difficult to see things from each other’s point of view. By ensuring that all of your communications are geared toward establishing a mutually beneficial agreement, you can almost guarantee a future of diplomacy and strong interpersonal connection.

Ultimately, diplomacy is an irreplaceable tool for cultivating trust and affirming relationships. By fostering mutual understanding, and constructing peaceful ways to settle discord — it can create connections between people from different cultures and countries that last a lifetime.

The concepts discussed in this article merely scratch the surface of the deep well of knowledge we can tap into. But remember, learning is not a solitary journey. The Achology peer-learning community delves deep into this topic, where every question sparks a conversation, every idea fuels learning, and every member contributes to our collective growth. May your learning sustain you for life.



Kain Ramsay

Co-Founder of and the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, International Bestselling Author and Teacher of Applied Psychology and Personal Growth.