A Non-Exhaustive List of Why Love Is so Damn Complicated

The fear of losing control is just the beginning.

Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Ever feel like love is so damn complicated, but you can’t explain exactly why?

When no matter what you do, the stars don’t seem to align for you, it’s easier to just shake your head and find a friend you can commiserate with without having to go into the details of why it’s so hard out there.

But once you begin to pay attention, you understand quickly enough a few factors that make love so effing hard.

Timing matters

If you ever met someone who would have been a perfect match for you five years from now, or ten years ago, you know the feeling.

Perhaps they are still building their business and don’t feel secure enough to enter into a relationship. Perhaps they are still immature and need a good ten years of solid self-development to get to the point where you already are. They couldn’t keep up with you if they tried, and you don’t have ten years to wait around until they’re ready.

Blaming the demise of a relationship (or its failure to begin altogether) on timing seems like a lazy excuse, but more often than not two people really are like two ships passing each other in the night.



Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive

Writing about love, relationships, culture, and life in general. Get my book, Acid Sugar, at shorturl.at/hvAVX