Have You Found What You Were Looking For? Stop Looking

Trying to maximize your love life might cause you to not have one.

Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive


Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

Your love life has been one disappointment after the next.

Every time you feel you might have found what you were looking for, you get bitten by the nasty bug of doubt.

One question pops into your mind: is this the best I can hope for?

Sure, your partner is pretty great, but what else is out there?

The qualities that first attracted you to your partner don’t seem like enough anymore. Instead of seeing what they bring to the table, your mind is now fixated on every quality they don’t possess — and suddenly, you feel like you couldn’t spend another day in a relationship with someone who can’t offer you precisely what you didn’t miss until now.

Deep down, you know you have found what you were looking for, but a nasty voice in your head is telling you to forget that and keep looking.

You’re a maximizer trying to find the perfect relationship, and it’s going to cost you dearly.

Maximizer Vs. Satisficer

Researchers have found that people’s approaches to decision-making tend to fit either into the maximizer or the satisficer…



Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive

Writing about love, relationships, culture, and life in general. Get my book, Acid Sugar, at shorturl.at/hvAVX