The Worst Reasons to Get Sidetracked When Pursuing Your Dreams

Focusing on your goals is more important now than ever.

Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive


Photo by Shwa Hallon Unsplash

When pursuing your dreams, keeping a steady course isn’t always easy.

Besides the obstacles you naturally find along the way, there are plenty of reasons to get sidetracked, plenty of distractions to veer you off course, costing you dearly in both time and energy.

These distractions tend to pop up when you’re dealing with a rough patch, trying to overcome a major obstacle, or you’re simply depleted of all energy. You become sidetracked when clinging to an excuse feels more natural than pushing through, when daydreaming about starting a new project is a more invigorating thought than finishing what you’re already halfway done.

These are the worst reasons to get sidetracked because they’re fueled by nothing less than self-sabotage and fear.

You could be doing something else

There are plenty of things you could be doing instead of pursuing your goal, not things you do for pleasure, such as watching TV, or reading a book, but other projects you could be pouring your heart and soul into.

These are things you could be doing because they sound fun and exciting, and when you stop to…



Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive

Writing about love, relationships, culture, and life in general. Get my book, Acid Sugar, at