Want to Get over Rejection Faster? Remember Steve

And get some perspective.

Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive


Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

Remember that guy who was super into you, but whose feelings you found you couldn’t possibly reciprocate?

The guy who kept asking you out every weekend, but whose invite you’d only accept when you had nothing better to do?

The guy you almost ghosted because he started to hint at wanting a serious relationship with you and it freaked you out? Let’s call that guy Steve.

Steve is the guy you went on a couple of dates with but never felt the chemistry was quite right. Your “relationship” with Steve only lasted as much as it did because he was such a great guy you felt obligated to give him a chance. Eventually, you realized you couldn’t keep lying to yourself (and to him) any longer and had to let him go.

Don’t forget Steve. Hold on to the memory of how Steve made you feel because Steve is the guy who’s going to help you get over rejection from now on.

After Steve there was Paul.

Paul is the closest thing you ever had to the one who got away.

When he kissed you, there were fireworks. You could talk to him for hours or sit just as comfortably in silence, it didn’t matter, being in each other’s presence was all you needed.



Renata Ellera Gomes
Renata Ellera Archive

Writing about love, relationships, culture, and life in general. Get my book, Acid Sugar, at shorturl.at/hvAVX