Diversions and Creative Diversity

Prolificacy versus Quality in Literary Creation

Paul Eric
Ácidos Literarios
4 min readNov 2, 2023


In contemporary literature, divergent opinions about the creative process and literary output spark a myriad of passionate discussions. The words of renowned authors such as Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway, or J.K. Rowling raise questions about the quality and focus in writing in a world saturated with stimuli and distractions. In ÁCIDOS, we will explore these disagreements and the influence of distractions on literary endeavors in the 21st century.

Poetry: Quality versus Quantity

In the discussion about poetry, Bolaño and the raised thesis disagree regarding the quantity of poems produced within a specific timeframe. While Bolaño maintains that quantity does not affect quality, the opposing position suggests that authenticity and the heart of the poem are affected by mass production. This stance argues that the poem reflects the breath of the author, revealing the truth or falsehood of the poet, and that its quality depends on the purity and essence of the moment in which it is created.

Narrative: Focus and Literary Quality

The advice to write multiple stories simultaneously, often associated with the idea of playing against the norm, is challenged by the stance advocating for focusing on one story at a time. It argues that if a story turns out to be of low quality, persisting in it diminishes the author’s integrity. Reference is made to authors such as Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft, indicating that, in hindsight, they should have halted earlier in the writing process of some of their works to maintain a higher standard of quality.

Writer’s block is an excuse not to write. Writers who suffer from it are those who are afraid to face the blank page


The Writer and the Distractions of the 21st Century

The core of the debate revolves around the multitude of distractions that the contemporary writer faces. In a world saturated with stimuli, the challenge for the author lies in finding the necessary concentration and focus to produce quality works. The presented opinions, although divergent, pose a relevant question: How can the author maintain quality and authenticity in an environment full of distractions?

Eliminate distractions from your writing environment. Turn off your phone, close your email, and find a quiet place where you can focus


In the complex literary landscape of today, the discussion regarding production, concentration, and quality remains a topic of debate. Ultimately, the importance lies in facing these distractions and finding a balance between creativity and concentration, ensuring that the essence of the work is not diluted by an environment saturated with stimuli and pressures.

No more distractions

A possible solution to combat distractions is the practice of “deliberate writing.” This technique is based on creating an environment conducive to concentration, where the author commits to dedicating specific and regular time to writing, minimizing external interference. Deliberate writing involves establishing a distraction-free workspace, whether it’s a quiet corner at home, a relaxing café, or any conducive environment for concentration. Establishing regular routines and designated writing schedules is crucial, allowing the author to train their mind to focus on the creative task.

Furthermore, setting specific and achievable goals can be highly beneficial. Setting daily objectives, whether in dedicated writing time or the number of words produced, provides a structure that helps to avoid procrastination and maintain focus on the task at hand. Implementing time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique (working in specific time intervals followed by breaks), can be useful for maintaining productivity and attention in the creative process. Turning off phone notifications and limiting internet access during these dedicated writing periods are additional practices that can help minimize external distractions.

Ultimately, deliberate writing is about commitment and discipline. Although modern distractions are omnipresent, authors can counteract them by taking control of their environment and work practices, allowing them to find the mental clarity and concentration necessary to carry out their creative work.

  • Practicing deliberate writing: Creating an environment conducive to concentration by committing to regular and specific writing time, minimizing external interruptions.
  • Establishing a distraction-free workspace: Identifying a peaceful and concentration-friendly place, whether at home, in a café, or any environment that supports focusing on the creative task.
  • Setting regular routines: Defining consistent writing schedules, aiding in training the mind and maintaining focus on literary creation.
  • Setting specific and achievable goals: Establishing daily objectives in terms of dedicated writing time or the number of words, providing a structure to maintain concentration and avoid procrastination.
  • Using time management techniques: Employing methodologies like the Pomodoro Technique, working in specific time intervals followed by breaks, to sustain productivity and focus on the creative task.
  • Minimizing external distractions: Turning off phone notifications and limiting internet access during dedicated writing periods to prevent interruptions and maintain focus.

