How many words should a micro-story have?

A guide for beginner writers

Paul Eric
Ácidos Literarios
3 min readNov 2, 2023


The micro-story is a literary genre characterized by its brevity. It is a work of fiction narrated in a condensed space, usually ranging between 5 and 200 words.

Brevity is one of the most important elements of a micro-story. It distinguishes this genre from others, such as the short story or novel. The word limitation demands precision and conciseness from the writer, prompting careful word choice in telling their story.

What is the ideal length for a micro-story?

The answer to this question is not straightforward. There isn’t a defined ideal length for a micro-story as it depends on various factors such as the writer’s style, the story they want to convey, and the intended audience.

Generally, a micro-story is considered to have between 5 and 200 words. This length allows for a complete and coherent story without losing rhythm or tension.

However, there are micro-stories with fewer than 5 words that are equally effective. For instance, Augusto Monterroso’s micro-story “El silencio” consists of a single word: “Silencio.”

Other Possible Lengths

Aside from the traditional length of 5 to 200 words, other micro-story formats have gained popularity in recent years.

  • One-paragraph micro-stories: This format is the most common, narrating the entire story within a single paragraph.
  • Single-line micro-stories: This format is more challenging, requiring the writer to tell a complete story within a single line.
  • One-word micro-stories: This format is the most extreme, consisting of a single word.

Editorial Opinions

Publishing houses also have their views on the ideal length for a micro-story.

The American publishing house McSweeney’s sets a 100-word limit for its micro-story contests. The Spanish publishing house Páginas de Espuma sets a 200-word limit for its micro-story contests.


McSweeney’s: An American publishing house specialized in micro-stories. It has published works by some of the world’s most significant micro-story writers like Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, and Raymond Carver.

Páginas de Espuma: A Spanish publishing house focused on contemporary literature. It has published works by some of the most prominent micro-story writers in Spain, such as Juan José Millás, Javier Marías, and Enrique Vila-Matas.


Augusto Monterroso: A Guatemalan writer considered a master of the micro-story genre. His most famous work is “El silencio.”

Julio Cortázar: An Argentine writer regarded as one of the most important authors in Latin American literature. His work “Historias de cronopios y famas” contains some of the most well-known micro-stories in literature.

Raymond Carver: An American writer recognized as a master of the short story. His work “Cathedral” is an example of a single-page micro-story.

Final words…of course!:

The ideal length for a micro-story has been a topic of debate among writers and critics for years. There isn’t a single answer as it depends on various factors. However, it’s important for beginner writers to consider the recommendations of publishing houses and more experienced writers.

