Best of Acing AI — 2018 Year in review

Everything interesting in AI at Acing AI in 2018

Vimarsh Karbhari
Acing AI
3 min readDec 27, 2018


2018 was a spectacular year for Acing AI. I started our journey in January 2018 by publishing interesting articles on AI. Shortly after, there was a pivot to cater towards AI and Data Science Interviews as that was the most requested and read topic by our community. Today, over 2.2k followers later(over 1.7k on Acing AI) , we have a strong community and it would not have been possible without everyone who provided their feedback. Thank you.

Losers Have Goals, Winners Have Systems — Scott Adams

My goal at Acing AI is to present a set of articles which provide the readers a “System” to Ace the AI interview. I achieved this by providing articles on concepts and principles which are the basis of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

This article aims to provide the top concepts read this year by our community across the AI and Data Science space. Hope they provide value to you.

Top five most visited articles of 2018:

  1. Interview preparation for Microsoft —Microsoft Data Science/AI Interview Questions — Acing the AI Interview This article aimed to provide the gist of some of the questions asked during a Microsoft Data Science Interview. The reading prep section was the most highlighted and was contributed by great community contributors who know about this topic very well.
  2. Interview preparation for Google — Google AI Interview Questions — Acing the AI Interview. This was the Google Data Science interview prep. In this article the questions and our reflections on them were the most read sections.
  3. Interview preparation for Netflix — Netflix Data Science Interview Questions — Acing the AI Interview. This was the Netflix Interview Prep. Netflix Interview process as well as the Interview questions were most consumed part of the article.
  4. Acing the AI Interviews Part 1 and Part 2 — These two articles aimed to provide self studying AI and Data Science practitioners material to prepare for an Artificial Intelligence and Data Science interview. Part 1 talks about Python Basics, Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Using Pandas and Data presentation and Visualization and the approximate days it would take to prepare on those topics. Part 2 talks about Probability and Regression Models, Machine Learning Basics, Advanced ML, Real World Data Processing and Deep Learning and the days it would take to prepare for those.
  5. How I build AI to play Dino Run — By Ravi Munde — This is a real gem which shows the amazing work the AI community is doing. It talks about the problem in learning to handle an environment with no data sets. The article details Q-Learning which is a model-less implementation of Reinforcement Learning. It takes you on a journey from a problem statement all the way to code, framework, model state, model architecture, training and finally, results.

2018 has been amazing and full of fundamental concepts and articles that helped our DataScience and AI community to prepare for their Data Science and AI interviews. It has been extremely humbling when someone mentions that these articles played a role to help them get a job at some of the best Data Science and AI teams at some of the best companies about which I have written articles with Acing AI. Thank you to everyone who read my articles and spend time on my blog. Looking forward to helping you in 2019…

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