Machine learning system design

A primer for machine learning system design interviews

Vimarsh Karbhari
Acing AI


As machine learning becomes more and more adopted in companies, the need for machine learning and data science professionals is increasing as well. This also leads to different kinds of roles within machine learning from a data analyst all the way to a full stack machine learning engineer or a full stack data scientist. As these roles mature, companies and data science teams have started having job ladders for these roles as well.

Software engineering vs data science

In software engineering, a system design interview helps discern the more experienced engineers from the less experienced engineers. Similarly, in the data science world, machine learning system design interviews are becoming more prevalent to help discern the experienced machine learning engineers.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

This article aims to provide a primer for questions which should be thought about and asked in case of a ML system design interview in order to have systematic thinking to get to a solution. It should serve as a starting point for having conversations with the interviewer.

Machine learning system design

