Tesla — The Amazon and Apple of the Self Driving Future

Tesla has to date accumulated over 1.2B miles its on Autopilot.

Vimarsh Karbhari
Acing AI


I have been closely following Tesla and Elon Musk and I have made some observations which make me believe that Tesla will be the Amazon as well as the Apple of Self Driving Cars. I have done a fair bit of research on self driving, autonomous cars and AI in the past year and I am pretty excited about this space.

Tesla has Elon Musk at the helm who I feel is the Edison of our generation. Over the years he has been building an arsenal of artificial intelligence and self driving technology coupled with strategic execution which will propel the company to become a monopoly for self driving cars of the future.

Photo by Matt Henry on Unsplash

Self Driving Cars is a game of long tail execution. Getting to doing parts of Self driving isn’t enough and Elon has proved time and again that he is in the long game. All Tesla cars help gather data for self driving which is one of the most crucial areas which other self driving companies struggle with.

Self Driving Cars require tremendous computational power to execute AI algorithms. For the long term it is economically more feasible for the vehicle to be electric than to be operated by gasoline. This is one of the reasons why GMs cruise automation uses GMs electric…

