What are common dataset challenges at scale?

Dataset challenges and dataset schema to tackle them

Vimarsh Karbhari
Acing AI


Data access in a big data world is not easy. As companies get larger and amass more and more data, challenges start emerging that are actually tied to too much data. Too much data like a gigantic codebase needs to be managed. Like we manage code quality, data quality also needs to follow similar principles.

Too much data and too many datasets when not managed efficiently leads to analysis-paralysis.

Common dataset challenges

Beach access: Photo by Josh Sorenson on Unsplash


When there are too many datasets, there might be scenarios where a new person joining the team will face a challenge in understanding which dataset can be leveraged for which problem. If there is no easier way to access and know about the metadata for a dataset, teams might struggle in finding the appropriate dataset for the problem at hand.

Lack of standards

Sometimes, when a dataset is created or extracted, the team fails to define or follow standard onboarding procedure for a dataset. This will lead to lack of description or metadata about the dataset and make it difficult to discover for other…

