Islamic Finance and Economics |伊斯蘭金融與經濟

Magnific Intelligence
7 min readMar 8, 2024
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The previous article mentioned the Buddhist economic view, or Buddhist economics. This article will briefly describe Islamic finance, or Islamic economic view.

This article describes Islamic economics in detail:

We put forward some of these interesting and even reflective perspectives on modern social and economic development:

Principle 2: Surplus value should be shared with others. Material “surplus value” is the wealth created by personal labor, such as sowing, harvesting and manufacturing new goods. Islam prohibits illegal possession of other people’s wealth and use of power to cruelly exploit. We can cooperate with each other, invest together, and eventually share profits, but we are not allowed to take advantage of others’ dangers, lend money and collect interest, or exploit the fruits of others’ labor.

Residual value is a very important concept in economics. It means that the difference between the accounting profit in a certain period and the cost of capital in that period, that is, the return on capital, is the focus of modern capitalism.

However, Islamic economics mentions that surplus value should be shared, rather than depriving others of their achievements by lending money and collecting interest, which reflects the values ​​of social enterprises to some extent.

It is a very interesting reflection that the results of the organization should belong to the interests/stakeholders rather than the capital owners. Just when we think that social enterprise is a new thinking after capitalism, in fact it has appeared much earlier and has even influenced society in a certain region for hundreds of years.

God has gifted human wisdom to create property and financial systems that can be easily circulated in order to facilitate the development of society and civilization, such as using remaining wealth to invest, start new businesses, develop land for farming and production, improve living conditions, and train in new technologies. Islam prohibits being a miser, burying wealth, stagnating its flow, and not using it for the cause of Allah, which is not beneficial to society.

Apart from the element of faith, the views on finance are also very advanced. The purpose of the financial system is to facilitate accommodation, but why? For the development of civilization, all projects that can increase production and enhance human life and well-being are promoted, rather than those used for hoarding, Speculative, socially unhelpful projects.

This concept, which only appears in ethical finance or sustainable finance today, has actually become a norm in Islamic finance.


這篇文章詳細描述了伊斯蘭經濟學 :

我們把其中一些有趣甚至提供現代社會經濟發展具有反思的觀點提出 :

原則之二﹐剩餘價值應當與別人分享、物質的“剩餘價值”是個人勞動創造的財富﹐如播種收穫和製造新商品﹐伊斯蘭禁止非法佔有別人的財富﹐利用權勢殘酷剝削。 互相可以合作﹐共同投資﹐最後分享利潤﹐但不許可乘人之危放債坐收利息﹐剝削他人的勞動成果。

剩餘價值(residual value)是經濟學上非常重要的觀念,說明某期間的會計利潤與該期間的資本成本之差,也就是資本回報,是現代資本主義的重中之中。



真主恩賜人類的智慧﹐創造財產和金融制度﹐容易流通﹐是為了方便社會和文明發展﹐例如用剩餘的財富投資﹑開辦新企業﹑開發土地耕種和發展生產﹐改善生活條件﹐培訓新技術。 伊斯蘭禁止守財奴﹐把財富埋藏起來﹐流動停滯﹐不用於主道﹐對社會無益。

撇除信仰成分,這其中對於金融的觀點也十分先進,金融制度是為了融通,為什麼而融通呢? 為了文明發展,舉凡能夠提高生產、增進人類生活與福祉的項目,而非那些用於囤積、投機、對社會無益的項目。


