Buddhist Economics | 佛教經濟學

Magnific Intelligence
9 min readFeb 29, 2024
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Economics itself is a subject that explores resources and efficiency. However, in modern society where liberal market economy is the mainstream, while satisfying human desires through continuous improvement of resource efficiency, it seems that it is beginning to face many of the most basic issues of economics — limited resources however endless desire.

How to satisfy unlimited inner desires through limited physical resources is beyond what traditional economics can answer. Therefore, different types of economics may be able to give us some inspiration.

First of all, it is emphasized that the discussion of religious economics is not related to faith, but a philosophical thought, that is, an educational concept that transcends reality and gets rid of troubles. As explained in Wikipedia:

The original meaning of Buddhism is the education of the Buddha, not the religion of worshiping gods and Buddhas. It is more like a philosophy than other religious teachings. This is because the original concept of Buddhism does not clearly indicate the definition of gods, and even opposes superstition. Buddha said “I believe that time should not be wasted thinking about concepts that are not helpful in the eradication of suffering” . In a nutshell, “Buddhism” means “pain comes from desire”. Buddhists are “people who believe in this law”. The “highest principle” of Buddhism is “pain does exist. How can I escape?”. The goal of Buddhism It is to overcome the suffering (duḥkha) caused by desire and ignorance. To overcome ignorance, one needs to understand impermanence (anicca) and non-self (anattā).

Buddhist economics is a spiritual and philosophical approach to the study of economics. It studies human psychology and the emotions that guide economic activity, especially concepts such as anxiety, desire, and the self-actualization principle. Its goal is to clarify what is harmful and what is beneficial within the context of human activities involving the production and consumption of goods and services, ultimately trying to bring humanity to moral maturity. The stated purpose of this ideology is to “find a middle way between a purely secular society and a static traditional society.”

If you want to know more, it is recommended to start with the relevant works of Professor Chou Pin Huang from the Department of Finance, National Central University:

Buddhist Economics: Theoretical Foundation and Structure

From the theoretical framework to the complete discussion, Professor Chou’s arrangement of Buddhist economics has been very enlightening for us.

There is a description in it that is worth thinking about:
『Traditional economics based on materialism (materialism) has narrowly turned people into consumption and production machines, and the linear economic model it has deduced (from resource extraction, production, consumption, to waste discarding) is also very different from nature’s recycling system. In contrast, Buddhist economics puts people first.

Buddhist thought has a very complete and rigorous view on human beings, from the spiritual, psychological, and even material levels; we and nature, including all humans and other living things, are interconnected and interdependent ( Reference, such as Brown (2017)), therefore the economic system from the Buddhist perspective must be a cyclical system.』

經濟學本身是一門探討資源與效益的學科,然而在自由經濟為主流的現代社會,透過不斷提升資源效率來滿足人類慾望的同時,似乎開始面臨到許多經濟學最基本的課題 — 資源有限慾望無窮。





想了解更多,推薦可從國立中央大學財務金融學系 周賓凰教授在的相關著作開始 :

佛教經濟學: 理論基礎與架構


其中有一段描述,很值得思考 :

『以物質主義(materialism; 唯物論) 為後設基礎的傳統經濟學既狹隘地把人變成消 費與生產機器, 其所推演出的線性經濟模式(從資源開採、生產、消費, 到廢棄物丟棄) 也與大 自然的循環返覆體系大相逕庭。相對之下, 佛教經濟學把人放在首要位置。佛教思想對於人, 從靈性、心理, 乃至物質層次, 都有很完整嚴謹的說法; 我們與大自然, 包括所有的人類與 其他生物, 都是相互連結(interconnected)、相互依存(interdependent) 的(參考, 如 Brown (2017)), 因此佛教觀點下的經濟體系必然是一個循環的體系』

