Time is Money but labor? | 時間就是金錢,但勞動呢?

Magnific Intelligence
3 min readMay 10, 2024

Time is money. This sentence is so obvious in the current mainstream economy. Through the tireless efforts of capitalism, we can now even calculate the time value of money.

According to the description in Time Value of Money:

“The time value of money is a widely accepted conjecture that it is more beneficial to receive an amount of money now than to receive the same amount later. This may be seen as a hint of the concept of time preference that was later developed.

The time value of money refers to the observation that it is better to receive money earlier than later. The money you have today can be invested to earn a positive rate of return, thereby generating more money tomorrow. Therefore, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. “

It is true that money now is more valuable than in the future. This is due to uncertainty, but also because of this, money in the future is destined to depreciate, and this uncertainty and scarcity may become one of the elements of inflation.

But this is not today’s topic, but what seems to be missing in this obvious discussion. What makes today’s money valuable?

The things that can be bought are the value of currency. Buying a cup of coffee, a hamburger, a piece of fried chicken… purchasing power is the real value of currency.

A deeper understanding, what are we buying? Whether it is coffee, burgers, or even a movie, it is a combination of materials and labor, produced by the materials of this world and people’s minds.

We can explain the value of materials using the supply and demand curve, but what about labor? Is it measured by salary/hourly wage?

Since the beginning of classical economics, there has been a profound but difficult to explain discussion of labor value.

The famous labor theory of value explains it this way:

“Adam Smith believed that the price of a commodity reflected how much labor it saved the buyer. “

“According to Ricardo and Marx, value refers to the amount of socially necessary labor required to produce marketable goods, and this includes the labor component required to develop any real capital (that is, physical assets used to produce other assets).”

Modern society uses salary/hourly wage to simply and crudely calculate the value of labor.

For example:
If the cost of coffee beans for a cup of coffee is 1 US dollar, a laborer can brew 10 cups of coffee an hour and his hourly wage is 20 US dollars, then the real value of a cup of coffee should be 3 US dollars. However, with the addition of capital and site cost, as knows as Rent-seeking, maybe $5 for a cup of coffee.

What is the rent-seeking cost of capital and site? It is the time value of money mentioned above, that is, all the capital invested in the production site now is expected to be able to obtain in the future more than the total amount invested at that time.

So you paid the time value of money + material cost + labor value, but is this reasonable? And why can consumption at this moment pay for the time value in the future? Is it reasonable or unreasonable?

This is the interesting part, the ghostly value of being able to travel through time and space is left for everyone to think about.


根據貨幣時間價值中的描述 :






更深一層的認識,我們購買的是什麼? 不論是咖啡、漢堡、甚至是一場電影,這都是物料與勞動的結合,是這個世界的物質與人們的心智所產生。

物料的價值我們可以用供需曲線來解釋,那麼勞動呢? 以薪資/時薪來衡量嗎?

古典經濟學開始,就對於勞動價值有著深刻卻又無法很好解釋的論述,鼎鼎大名的勞動價值論是這樣說明的 :




舉個例來說 :



因此你付出了貨幣的時間價值+物料成本+勞動價值,不過這樣合理嗎? 又為什麼此時此刻的消費能夠支付未來的時間價值呢? 究竟合理還是不合理呢?


