LayerZero: Solidity Examples Audit Summary

Andrea Nováková
Ackee Blockchain
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2022

LayerZero engaged Ackee Blockchain to review and audit their example contracts. This article is a summary of all audits carried out to date:

  • LzApp + Tokens Audit
  • Solidity-examples Repository Audit
  • NativeProxyOFT20.sol (later renamed to NativeOFT.sol) Audit

We now publish a summary of our results.


The methodology of all three audits is as follows.

We start by reviewing the specifications, sources, and instructions provided to us, which is essential to ensure we understand the project’s size, scope, and functionality. This is followed by due diligence using the automated Solidity analysis tools and Slither.

In addition to tool-based analysis, we continue with a detailed manual code review, which is the process of reading the source code line by line to identify potential vulnerabilities or code duplications. When the code review is complete, we run unit tests to ensure the system works as expected and potentially write missing unit or fuzzy tests. We also deploy the contracts locally and try to attack and break the system.

LzApp + Tokens Audit

The audit was conducted between April 27 and May 3, 2022, with a total time commitment of 5 engineering days.


We audited commit 87941ce6160f27a4057372e78c552c780baae524 of the LayerZero-Labs/solidity-examples repository, specifically contracts: contracts/lzApp, contracts/tokens.

During the security review, we paid particular attention to:

  • checking if nobody can exploit the system;
  • ensuring access controls are not too weak;
  • checking the architecture;
  • checking the code quality and Solidity best practices;
  • looking for common issues such as data validation.


Here we present our findings.

Critical severity

No critical severity issues were found.

High severity

H1: Burn address issue

Medium severity

M1: Condition bypass

Low severity

No low severity issues were found.

Warning severity

W1: Low test coverage

W2: Code duplication

W3: ERC721, ERC1155 reentrancy

W4: Unresolved TODO

W5: Unintended feature — Renounce ownership

Informational severity

I1: Public functions can be external

I2: Missing require message

I3: Missing zero length handling

I4: Missing documentation

I5: Hardcoded types


Our review resulted in 12 findings ranging from Informational to High severity.

The code quality is solid. However, we identified a few code duplications, so the inheritance could have been designed better. Also, the unit test coverage is insufficient for some of the contracts reviewed. Although the code is simple, easy to understand, and contains few comments, it is a good practice to cover the code using NatSpec documentation.

We recommended LayerZero to:

  • avoid code duplications;
  • increase unit test coverage;
  • use NatSpec documentation.

Update: LayerZero provided an updated codebase that addresses the reported issues and we performed the fix review between May 11 and 13, 2022. The re-audit was done on the following commit 865a1ab26759b5754e5ca51f11a5f1594c6f11ba.

All of the findings were acknowledged and some of them fixed (H1, W2, W4, I2, I5, partially W1). A detailed discussion of the exact status of each issue can be found in the full audit report.

Ackee Blockchain’s full LzApp + Tokens audit report with a more detailed description of all findings and recommendations can be found here.

Solidity-examples Repository Audit

The audit was conducted between June 15 and June 26, 2022, with a total time commitment of 7 engineering days.


We audited commit c7525a549a8db3fb54a89620409bf29c89f23899 of the LayerZero-Labs/solidity-examples repository.

During the security review, we paid particular attention to:

  • detecting possible reentrancies in the code;
  • ensuring the proper handling of the tokens during the cross-chain messages;
  • ensuring access controls are not too relaxed or too strict;
  • looking for common issues such as data validation.


Here we present our findings.

Critical severity

No critical severity issues were found.

High severity

No high severity issues were found.

Medium severity

M1: Renounce ownership

M2: Dangerous transfer ownership

Low severity

No low severity issues were found.

Warning severity

W1: Lack of events in state changing functions

W2: Usage of solc optimizer

W3: Floating pragma

Informational severity

No informational severity issues were found.


Our review resulted in 5 findings ranging from Warning to Medium severity.

The architecture of the project is well designed and allows easy integration for 3rd parties. The tests are written in JavaScript, and they successfully pass. Code quality is excellent and well documented, essential for the example contracts. LayerZero provides high-quality documentation in the white paper and on the gitbook website.

We recommended LayerZero to:

  • use static analysis tools like Slither;
  • ensure that the privileged owner role is well maintained;
  • address all the reported issues.

Ackee Blockchain’s full Solidity-examples repository audit report with a more detailed description of all findings and recommendations can be found here.

Solidity Examples NativeProxy Audit

The audit was conducted between August 3 and 8, 2022 with a total time commitment of 5 engineering days.


We audited commit b0bd359e8affb782da83915fe06be8b3a7cc34c7 of the LayerZero-Labs/solidity-examples repository.

During the security review, we paid particular attention to:

  • detecting possible reentrancies in the code;
  • ensuring the proper handling of the tokens during the cross-chain messages;
  • ensuring access controls are not too relaxed or too strict;
  • looking for common issues such as data validation.


Here we present our findings.

Critical severity

No critical severity issues were found.

High severity

No high severity issues were found.

Medium severity

M1: Accepting messages from untrusted remotes

M2: Constructor data validation

Low severity

L1: Ownable pattern

L2: Missing override for ERC165

Warning severity

W1: Usage of solc optimizer

W2: Recent solc version

W3: Empty _srcAddress can bypass trusted remote check

W4: Unused _lzSend() function

Informational severity

I1: Coding practice

I2: Zero token transfer

I3: Public functions

I4: Unused SafeERC20


Our review resulted in 12 findings ranging from Informational to Medium severity.

We recommended LayerZero to:

  • address all the reported issues.

Ackee Blockchain’s full Solidity Examples NativeProxy audit report with a more detailed description of all findings and recommendations can be found here.

We were delighted to audit LayerZero and look forward to working with them again.

Originally published at on August 8, 2022.

