We deliver developer tools for cryptocurrency Ethereum

Josef Gattermayer
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2018

We have succeeded in the Ethereum Foundation grant competition and now we are looking forward to an interesting work for crypto world. The Ethereum Foundation founded by the one and only Vitalik Buretin, the creator of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, supports the development of Ethereum. Ethereum is currently the second most valuable cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, and soon we will be developing an universal tool to serve all iOS mobile applications.

The 2017 was a year of the highest investments in cryptocurrency and tokens which has brought wide financial resources into it. . And now they are trying to get into everyday lives of users — this is the only way how the speculative capital can be realistically evaluated. For this reason foundations similar to Ethereum Foundation encourage and support projects which are leading to a wider adoption.

The aim of the foundation is to engage developers with previous experience in blockchain technologies. They offered grants to projects that should extend Ethereum and make the usage of it available, simplify its handling and also improve the security of this cryptocurrency. And we won one of these grants.

What we will develop

Based on the received grant we will create a starting project for the development of mobile applications working with Ethereum blockchain. The basis of the tool will be the project skeleton (which is a kind of a template) that Ackee has been internally developing and using for more then 2 years now. Now we will extend it with a new library that allows operations with Ethereum blockchain directly from the Swift programming language, which has not been possible so far.

The result will be published as an open source on Ackee github and will make it easier for iOS application developers wanting to create apps working with Ethereum blockchain — from online wallets to smart contract applications. Because we have been working with smart contracts during the development of several smaller projects ourselves, we feel the lack of a similar tool. We estimate the development time for about a half-year.

UPDATE: The specification is now more clear, you can read the Ackee Ethereum Project Template Announcement.

How we got to this Ethereum cooperation

Originally we applied for a grant for a specific application, but the Foundation’s management has shown a bigger interest in using our development know-how. We had several calls with engineers from Silicon Valley and came up with a solution that would help the entire developer community.

Having worked on a few smaller projects, we are trying to be active in the cryptocurrency world. During the hackaton CEE Hacks we presented an innovative way of sharing electricity costs with a blockchain and we also co-organized the Prague Prague Blockchain Meetup in March 2018. Last year, under the head of ČVUT FIT, I published a research paper for IEEE about the use of blockchain for load balancing in P2P clusters.

Blockchain is a popular theme frequently discussed amongst many companies. Now we are happy to be working in its epicenter on a special project. We will let you know about the course of the project on our social networks, and we also plan to regularly report about the development process on our Medium.com account.

Originally published at www.ackee.cz on May 22, 2018.



Josef Gattermayer
Writer for

Co-founder at Ackee, Assistant professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague.