Scavenger Hunt — 11 challenges to get the most out of UIST 2021

Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2021

This year UIST presents an exciting program of papers, demos, and posters. What’s more, there are a few new ways to enjoy the online conference! You can enjoy the pre-conference experience by accessing the paper preprints and joining the community early on Discord. There are social hours across time zones for attendees to meet up on Ohyay. You will also find many channels on Discord such as #introduce-your-pet, to connect with the community members through other hobbies. After the conference, we can all stay connected as a community on Discord!

To help guide attendees through this exciting journey, we have a list of Scavenger Hunt activities that you can start now before the conference and carry on throughout the conference period. Join in now to start interacting with other attendees and authors on Discord!


You will get an Awesome Attendee (AA) role from the #awesome-attendee channel after completing 11 challenges, with all the mandatory challenges completed at least once. One type of challenge can be completed multiple times. The names of Awesome Attendee will look cooler than others: they are in orange color and accompanied by a diamond!

After the conference, we will run a lottery to choose from the Awesome Attendees and send a special UIST souvenir via mail!!


Connect with your fellows!!

  1. (Mandatory) Find a paper you like from the program on SIGCHI website, leave a message in the Discord channel of that paper and tag the author(s)! Instructions about accessing these platforms are here.
  2. (Mandatory) Introduce yourself in the #introduce-yourself channel
  3. (Optional) If you are an author, tag a researcher you like in your own paper’s Discord channel and invite them to check out your work

Share your UIST story!!

  1. (Mandatory) How was / is your UIST experience? Anything inspired your path in the past? Anything interesting / unforgettable happened? Tell us your story at #share-uist-stories
  2. (Optional) Many new UIST attendees have not experienced the physical UIST conferences before. Show us a photo from your previous UIST conferences at #share-uist-stories

Social Challenge!!

  1. (Mandatory) Visit a demo or poster session and post a question in their Discord channel.
  2. (Mandatory) Which Lightning Talks did you like? Send one presenter an encouraging message in the #lightning-talks channel and tag the presenter!
  3. (Mandatory) Sit in two Ohyay rooms and take a screenshot of your favourite spot in each room.
  4. (Mandatory) Join one of the social channels in the #SOCIAL category and post something about what you like, such as #introduce-your-pet #reading-club #photography #games
  5. (Optional) Chat and connect with a person who has a different background from yours (for example, people in the industry, clinical, design, fashion), tag that person in your challenge completion post.
  6. (Optional) Ask a question in one of the #ask-me-anything social event channels


There are 7 mandatory and 4 optional challenges. Your 11 completed challenges should include each of the 7 mandatory challenges at least once. If some optional challenges do not apply to you, you can complete other challenges multiple times, which will be counted as multiple.

To demonstrate the challenges you have completed, take screenshots of your Discord posts or other evidence for our SVs to verify your challenge completion. You will find a Google Drive link for uploading screenshots at the top of the #awesome-attendee channel. Please create a new folder with your name (as displayed on Discord) and upload your screenshots.

Share a post in the #awesome-attendee channel under the #SOCIAL category, such as, “I have completed 11 challenges!” React to the challenge list posts by clicking on the checkmark ✅ emoji of the challenges you have completed.

Most of the challenges can be completed before the conference starts. Get started and connect with the community NOW!

Presented by,

Can Liu, Frederik Brudy, Amy Pavel (Digital Participation Chairs)
Jeff Nichols (General Chair)




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