Cyber Member Spotlight — Kira Tran

Jessica Lam
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021

Learn more about ACM Cyber member Kira Tran!

What’s your major? What drew you to this field?

I am majoring in computer engineering (Warren college woo!). I started programming with Scratch (best programming language don’t @ me) in middle school and continued learning with computer programming classes in high school. I also did a few summer programs. In my sophomore year, I lived at a university and took college classes (my closest experience to “normal” college life to this day :’( rip). One of my classes was an introductory EE course, where we worked with Arduino. I loved being able to understand the circuitry and tinker with the hardware while also programming the circuit to make fun projects! In high school, I also led a club to teach people about the Makerspace, which was brand new at the time. In the process, I learned a lot about using the equipment and had fun messing around with the technology. I think those were probably the two most influential experiences I had in high school when it came to choosing a major.

How did you become interested in cybersecurity?

I was part of the cybersecurity club at my school. After letting me sit in on one of their competitions, the members of the club were not welcoming at all and it actually took me the better part of two school years to become an “official” member of the team. So, while I was trying to get the club to let me in, I started participating in picoCTF individually to get a sense of what the competition questions would look like. I still don’t have much experience, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve done so far with the club at my school, with picoCTF, and with ACM Cyber!

What are your long term goals (if any) ?

I’m not entirely sure! I’m hoping to explore software engineering this summer. Next school year or next summer, I’m looking at quantum computing research or a quantum programming internship. I am hoping to learn more about quantum computing and its potential effects on cybersecurity (both positive and negative!) in the meantime. I don’t know whether I want to do an REU or do research at a company yet, so I’ll be looking more into that as well .-. Ultimately, I’d like to pursue hardware. This is a bit far away but the goal is also to get an internship in semiconductor chip design before I graduate if possible! Obviously, this is the idea for now, but it also depends on whether I end up liking software engineering or if I find another interest I’d rather pursue. Overall though, I’m hoping to figure out what industry to go into, though I’m guessing probably chip design or quantum hardware at this point. But again, who know what the future holds? ^-^

What’s a fun fact about you :D

I don’t like the sound of really crunchy apples :(

What are your hobbies / what do you like to do in your free time?

I like to do digital art and computer animation in my free time! (though I’m not much good :p) Other than that, I don’t really have free time!

And finally, do you have any advice/something to say to the readers?

I’m always looking to make friends so feel free to say hi on Discord (KT#2811)! :D thanks for reading

