What’s Going on at ACM UTD?

Alessio Haro
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2023

Article Written by Caleb Hernandez

It’s the beginning of a new school year, and there’s no better time to join ACM. Whether you’re studying computer science, marketing, business, or anything else, there’s a place for you at ACM UTD.

Over the past few years, ACM has built a robust network of divisions that do various projects inside and outside of the ECS community. In the past, we have thrown hackathons for highschoolers, done incredible research for the cutting edge of technology, had career fairs, and much more.

This semester, we have some exciting things going on. I’ve asked some of the ACM Directors what we should be looking forward to in the upcoming weeks.


Every Semester, ACM Project puts together teams of talented students to work on a product that will be showcased at the end of the semester. Each team uses the most cutting edge technology to put something together over a full semester that will hopefully win the favor of judges and audiences at ACM Project Presentation Night.

Farhan Jamil:

“The next few weeks of ACM Projects will consist of the first few build nights. All teams have just started and will begin working on their projects and getting to work. We will have socials and workshops for all the Projects participants which will be fun!”

Sanika Kulkarni:

“We are looking forward to hosting our workshops that will be announced soon, we’re excited to bring a newer format to them this semester. Our participants are also now hard at work on their projects!”

Fall 2022 Project Build Night


ACM Research participants are split into teams at the beginning of each semester to do research on the latest computing related topics. They meet once a week, and are overseen by a Research Lead and a professor. At the end of the semester, they present their research at the ACM Research Symposium.

Sisi Aarukapalli:

“We have lots of workshops coming up with various companies!”

Aarian Ahsan:

“We will have our Research Symposium night on December 4th!”

Fall 2022 Research Symposium


Industry deals with the business side of ACM by meeting with sponsors and offering support for students looking for internships. By networking with outside businesses, Industry allows for ACM to expand the scope of the club and provide resources and inside knowledge relating to the job industry post-college.

Nina Rao:

“[We’re working on] more Industry events in the fall [and] other opportunities to meet our sponsors. And maybe…. an ACM Alumni Panel in the works.”

Fall 2023 EOG ML Workshop


ACM Development is in charge of providing the user interface and backend support for things like the ACM UTD Portal and UTD Grades. They’re constantly updating the technology to provide services to not only ACM, but the UT Dallas community as a whole.

Nicolas Burnett:

“[We’re working on the] release of our new portal.”

Mike Nguyen:

“We’ll finish recruitment and start onboarding new officers onto some of our [projects].”

Development Coding Hangout


ACM Education prepares students with valuable resources such as the Technical Interview Prep Program which helps students prepare for acing job interviews for computer science, and the Mentor Program which matches underclassmen and upperclassmen to help new students thrive in their major.

Ashwin Ravishankar:

“[Be on the lookout for our] AWS/SWE/Education Workshops.”

Fall 2021 Education Mentor Program and CS Essentials Event


Community provides both internal and external events for ACM. They’re in charge of planning and executing large-scale seasonal activities for UTD members like the ACM Olympics as well as external events to bring technology education to the Dallas area like the Outreach K-12 Workshops.

Jaszmine DeFranco:

“Community has a ton of awesome events coming up in the next few weeks!

General Events

General Meetings — every other Tuesday 10/3, 10/17, 10/31 @6pm

Irl Among Us Social — 10/26

Outreach K-12 workshops

Hendrick Middle school — JavaScript workshops every Monday @3:50pm

Frankford Middle school — JavaScript workshops every Wednesday @3:50pm

Apollo Middle school — Java workshops every Wednesday @3:45pm

Williams High School — Python workshops every Friday @4:35pm

Outreach other opportunities/events

Mark Cuban Foundation Ai Bootcamp

Bootcamp Dates: Saturdays 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4 @1–5pm”

Spring 2022 Skyview Elementary STEM Fair


HackUTD is one of the largest college hackathons in the country. They spend all year preparing for the event by gathering sponsors, designing branding, and getting internal planning worked out. They also have workshop events to prepare the participants with all the tools they might need to successfully complete a hackathon.

Michael Zhao:

“We’re hosting our weekly workshop series over the next few weeks leading up to HackUTD X, which will happen on Nov 4th-5th!”


ACM Media Handles the marketing, design, and social presence of ACM UTD. Each semester, they complete marketing and design requests from each division. Additionally, they manage the social media and practice strategies to grab the attention of UTD students to grow ACM as a whole.

Neha Thomas:

“We plan to elevate our video marketing strategies so keep an eye out on our socials for some exciting content!”

Alessio Haro:

“We have lots of fun videos and interviews that give great insight to ACM coming soon!”

If you’d like to stay up to date with all of our Fall events for ACM, be sure to join our Discord. It can be found on our website at https://acmutd.co/.

