We are all living in small separated habitats and consume content inside our own filter bubble

An attempt to break out of those imaginary borders

Nico Grienauer
2 min readJun 9, 2016


All of us are surfing the web, read lots of blogposts, consume online magazines, watch news, listen to podcasts. We try to remember all of this information by saving it into Pocket, Facebook, Read Later, or one of the latest services like Google Spaces

But what happens with those selected and collected pieces? Most of the time, those bits and bytes are lost in the digital nirvana and will never reappear on the screen again or get a real chance to be useful for someone else.

We want to take care about this common problem, at least for our readers. :)

Therefore we introduce our own publishing format, sharing some of our findings with the web.

Are we really able to break the filter bubble?
But we can try!

From all the information that comes in through the week we pick three essential items. Those “golden nuggets” will be presented to our readers in a single blogpost.

So for the moment lets agree that the filter bubble might not be a bad thing and that trying to eliminate it through traditional means is Sisyphean due to human nature and life experience. Instead lets talk about what it really is — a preference bubble. This is a bubble that represents what you currently prefer and will change over time through a variety of ways. http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/the-preference-bubble

The topics of the weekly format will be
Drupal, Web Technology, IoT, Code, Gadgets, Publishing, etc.

How do we call this “thing”?
It’s called Acolono Bubble, because it will be a small glimpse into the topics, we stumbled upon during the week.

But there have to be rules and there are three of them

  • Keep it short
  • Only 3 topics per issue
  • Add a dog picture at the end (dogs must take back the web!)

The “Acolono Bubble” is a weekly blog format living on medium.com where we review three links we encountered during the week.

So here we go, let’s dive into the first issues of our new weekly format
Acolono Bubble Issues.



Nico Grienauer

Drupal Austria Association Board Member, CodeWeekEU Ambassador, Open Minds — “Austrian Open Source Award” Initiator and Founder of Acolono GmbH