Choose Social Media Platform For Boosting Business

Ahmed Ginani
Acquaint SoftTech
Published in
7 min readNov 1, 2019

Love posting on social media? ❤ Yesss! It’s time to make the best out of it…

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Social media is one of the most trending points in the last few years, people are addicted to Facebook and Instagram. But is social media is only for communication? Posting selfies doesn’t mean you’re done.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, plus a social media overreaction.” — Via Pinterest

Making pout face and posting it on Instagram may be fun but you can elevate your business through it. There is a new term called “Social Media Marketing”, that simply shows the importance of social media in business marketing.

So, what is Social Media Marketing?

It is a marketing term for gaining attention or attracting traffic through social media platforms. Businesses selling their products directly via social media, also known as social commerce. Social media have different varieties in terms of content sharing.

Social Media is one of the best ways of marketing any type of business, because of diversity in the websites. The major Social Media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, and so on.

“Going viral is not an outcome; it’s a happening. Sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn’t. Just remember, fans are vanity and sales are sanity.” — Lori Taylor

Social media platforms provide different actions like Twitter only allows users to share short messages, Instagram is designed for the photo-sharing platform. In concise, Social Media is the best tool for business marketing.

Top 10 Social Media Platforms 2019 WorldWide

The above list of best social media platforms not completed yet, still, many more to come. Platforms like Reddit, Flickr, Viber, and Google+ also make an impact as the best way to communicate and sharing content. Google+ shutting down for its privacy blockage.

Pheww!… Let it clear and loud that Social media marketing is the best from other conventional marketing tactics. But the hard thing is to choose a social media platform that suits your business. Every business works on a particular niche that’s the story begin…

How To Choose Social Media for Business Marketing

As mentioned earlier, social media is the best marketing channel but the hard thing is to choose the apt one. So here I am posting some key factors for select the best social media platform.

Business Niche

Business niche is the main factor in choosing social media platforms. If you’re looking for business marketing and attracting more audiences, then identify your business niche first.

For example: If your business is all about professionals, then LinkedIn would be the best in both worlds. If you’re attempting for entertainment niche, then you must try YouTube or FaceBook. All in all, the business niche should be match with the social site’s theme.

Targeting Audience

Ohh! How one can forget the targeting audience. Businesses which are acquainted with their targeting audience, are more successful than they don’t. It’s hard to define the audience because it depends on several factors including the business niche.

Look, there is a big difference between marketing and branding. Marketing is refer to more business sales or generating leads, and Branding relates to awareness, crafting a brand image, and making bond with the audience.

All you’ve to do is identify your audience and target them. The smart marketers only pay attention to where the audience alive. So make sure you’re targeting the right social media platform.

There is a contradiction that one must use all social media platforms for business marketing. You can choose one social media for marketing business, but make sure your targeting audience is always there.

If your targeting audience is professionals such as entrepreneurs, corporates, businessmen, then invest on LinkedIn. On the contrary, If you’re targeting like-minded people or groups of people with the same interest the Facebook is best.

Types of Advertising

Hmm! Advertisement is a pillar of marketing but it has some distinct. Choose social media platforms according to types of advertising. In other words, design multiple advertisements relevant to different social media platforms.

For Example, Create text ads for Twitter, for carousel ads choose Instagram.

  • Text Ads — Twitter, Quora
  • Carousel Ads — Instagram, Facebook
  • Video Advertise — YouTube, Instagram
  • Display Ads — Pinterest, Facebook
  • B2B Advertisement — LinkedIn

Ease of Marketing

If you’re planning for social media marketing by own logistic then ease of marketing is the most preferred thing. Each social media platform follows a unique way of advertising. So a suitable one that fits your requirements…

Facebook allows marketers for advertising with depth filters such as preferred location, interest, age group, and so on. Instagram caters sponsored content in the story too. Twitter allows advertising in Trending HashTage pannel.

“Social media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide you.” — Matt Goulart

All in all, it’s all up to you whether you want to invest and how you want to do it. The practice is to plan for each social site to hit the right chord.

Social Media Marketing Tools

  • Hootsuite/Buffer: Social Media Scheduling Tool
  • Social Clout: To Track Engagement For Better Output
  • Feedly: To Generate Idea & Sharing Content
  • Canva: Crafting Social Media Images & Graphics
  • Edgar: For Posting Old Content At Prefered Time

Best Way To Use Social Media For Business

Facebook For Business

Facebook Business official

Facebook has over 2 billion monthly users, which means the highest opportunity to attract an audience. This platform voted as a marketers-friendly platform, because of its depth filters. The Facebook business page offering many features for attracting customers.

Ads targeting filters like location, interest, locality, and age group are best for targeting the right audience. That’s why Facebook is the most affordable social media platform for business marketing.

With the accurate Facebook algorithm, businesses get better ROI from the advertisement. The average cost per click (CPC) of Facebook ads as of 2016 was roughly 0.28 cents and the cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) was $7.19.

Instagram For Business

Instagram official Sponsered Story

No doubt, Facebook is the first choice for marketers because of the highest number of active users but Instagram has its own story. Instagram content and ads gain the highest audience engagement rates among social media platforms.

According to statics, Instagram has 58% more users engagements than Facebook and 2000% higher than Twitter. Apart from the over 500 million active users, this platform offers the best way to showcase the advertising such as Instagram sponsored story.

Advertise pricing is approx the same as the Facebook business panel.

LinkedIn For Business

LinkedIn Sales official

If you’re planning to engage with B2B marketing, then the best platform for B2B marketing is LinkedIn. This platform is different from the other, therefore, your marketing plan should be different. You can try LinkedIn for branding your business as well as marketing.

  • Pulse Article for Lead Generation
  • Rich Post Content For Branding
  • Share Success & Thanksgiving Content
  • Sponsored Content
  • Sponsored InMail
  • Text Ads & Display Ads

Pricing Model: The average CPC ranges from $2-$7 to $11-$12 per click.

Snapchat For Business

Snapchat Business Official

Snapchat is not used by many marketers because it has specified users of younger age groups. The age groups struck many businesses to invest in it, therefore, Snapchat has the least marketing features.

The least marketers also mean the least competition. Snapchat growing it’s business pannel and businesses getting benefits from it. It has 301 monthly active users per month.

Snapchat gains the attention of social media marketers by offering multiple ways of advertisements. The few are listed below…

  • Snap Ads
  • Sponsored Lenses
  • Sponsored Geofilters
  • Snapchat Discover

Pricing Model: It varies according to different ways of advertisements

Twitter For Business

Twitter Business official

Phew! Twitter is the best platform for influencers because of restricting numbers of text. Therefore, people don’t consider it a strong marketing channel. But that’s not true, one can be an influencer by posting cool stuff and business oriented keywords.

Try to use Emoji instead of quirky words to increase user engagements. There is a completely different marketing tactic for Twitter. You can invest here in terms of promoting accounts, promoted tweets, sponsored trends, and website cards.

Pricing Model: $9-$11 for Twitter Ads, Approx 25–30 cents for clicks.

Difference Between Retargeting Ads and Funnel Ads

Retargeting Ads:

There is a contradiction between retargeting ads and Funnel advertising. Actually, both are different but work for the same idea. Retargeting ads follow a user till it can’t convert into potential customers.

For Example, If a user searches for any product but not buy it. Marketers target a specified audience that is interested in products but not buys it for the first time. They show ads for a particular audience on Google, social media or anywhere else.

Funnel Advertisements:

It is not the exact form of advertisement, but it is a marketing tactic. Its like funnel where marketers show step by step several ads to the users and convert them into potential customers.

For Example, the first ad creates for informational purposes, later on, the last ad comes with the CTA to converts the audience. It’s like creating awareness for services, brand, features and sell the products all in one package. It is most helpful for creating demand in the market.

Key Takeaway:

  • Try different marketing plans for different platforms.
  • Use emotional marketing instead of direct selling.
  • Social Media Marketing relies on experiments, so keep trying.
  • Combination of the Killer Copywriting & Rich content always winsome.
  • For B2B marketing, focus on LinkedIn business marketing.

At The End

One thing is pretty clear that social media marketing is the best way of attracting the audience. It’s cheaper than T.V. ads, reachable than print media, and drive more engagements than conventional ads. So try it today…

If you’re planning for social media marketing then you must leverage from the attractive app for business. Without a robust mobile app, all the marketing tactics are worthless. So hire an apt app development partner such as Acquaint SoftTech to build a masterpiece and make the best out of it.



Ahmed Ginani
Acquaint SoftTech

Business Head at Acquaint Softtech. I am a continuous learner and like to read. But more than reading, I love teaching that’s why I share my knowledge.