Refine Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy To Boost Sales

Ahmed Ginani
Acquaint SoftTech
Published in
8 min readDec 12, 2019

Want content marketing to help your business?

B2B Content Marketing obliges a different approach than the B2C content marketing strategy.

You might be wondering:

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is not just selling products, it’s a process of brand awareness, making loyal relationships, customer engagement, and lead generation.

Now, This is crazy:

There is a contradiction that content marketing is only for B2C businesses, but it’s not true.

“Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them.” ~Doug Kessler

Most of the time, businesses forget to change their content marketing strategy while shifting from B2C to B2B. This is called cold marketing or dull marketing because you’re not hitting the right chord.

Before diving into the depth of B2B content marketing, let’s have a look at the difference between B2B and B2C content marketing.

Difference Between B2B and B2C Content Marketing

  • B2C has a large target audience, B2B brings a small market with a focus on content strategy.
  • Customers intend to buy any product, that is quick and fast for B2C, but the B2B market takes time.
  • B2C content always demands to personalize and emotional touch while B2B content should bring with it a professional tone and value-driven.
  • B2C always appeals to the importance of products but the B2B works on a strong relationship.
  • The content is all about brand awareness in B2C and result-driven in the B2B.
  • Audience behavior is also a concern, B2C audience always looking for coupons & discounts, while B2B audience leverage from the experience and quality of work.

Phew! It’s quite obvious that businesses tend to serve the audience as per their needs, that’s why content marketing should also change. No matter, B2C or B2B both strive to engage the customers with rich content. That’s it, nothing less nothing more.

What Is B2B Content Marketing?

B2B content marketing is all about driving leads from rich content that affiliated with a business mindset. B2B content marketing definition is all about curating content according to the targeting business via important factors such as value-driven, professional tone, and building relationships.

“Content marketing is really like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.” ~David Beebe

In other words, content marketing for business to business always seems like making relationships with the business, by helping them, by curating information content that can make them blush. B2B marketing ideas are always leveraged with the content and luckily it has a vast opportunity.

B2B Content Marketing Example & Ideas

  • Text Content: Text content is the oldest type of content, It includes digital articles, blogs, e-books, blogs and so on.
  • Visual Content: The newest and trending content on the internet is visual content. Videos, webinars, motion graphics, audiovisual are referred to as visual content.
  • Images Based Content: Infographics, charts, and photos are also appealing visitors.
Data Source: Statista, Created By Acquaint SoftTech

According to Statista, the most valuable content strategy in 2017 was blog posting & article submission. Video content will lead the race in 2020 because it finds video more interesting than text formats. It is a better way to increase user engagement, therefore, B2B content marketing statistics recite the same.

B2B content marketing 2019 is the main phase where businesses take content strategy seriously, like never before. Now the content not only curates to inform the audience but it is used as a lead generation for the owner. B2B marketing Ideas are also spreading to hit the values rather than emotional triggers.

How To Make The Best Out of B2B Content Marketing

To make the best out of the content and let it work for your business, you have to create rich content first. There are many B2B content marketing agencies who claim the best services but it needs market research before choosing the apt one. All you have to do is creating personalized content that can turn visitors to customers.

Top Content Marketing Ideas:

  • Traditional Text Content
  • Visual Content (Videos)
  • Image-Based Content

Text Content Marketing Idea:

Hmm! It’s an old school theory. Text format is the conventional form of content marketing ideas. It includes blog posting, articles, press releases, technical documentation, and so on. The idea of having content marketing is quite obvious because it has the same format but different styles.

The statement of Kevin Ho recites the actual need, “No matter what your content is about, if someone clicks through to see your content, they’re looking for an answer to something. Rather than giving them the runaround, give them what they’re looking for. Answer their questions simply and clearly and with as little jargon as possible.”

Blogs Writing

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Blogs are the best way of communication with visitors, so use it wisely.

Let provide some valuable content with practical information that can content your audience. Many times content marketers write only about their own services and features, the tone sound like selling products rather than value-driven content.

You can post the latest technology news related to your business niche or provide solutions on an issue that your audience searching for. The golden rule is to cherish your audience with your content and treat them as listeners, not as products.

Guest Post/ Article/ Press Release

Either it’s a guest post, article, or press release, all are work as a B2B content marketing funnel. The word Content Marketing is all about guest posting and business submission, therefore, take it as a strategy. Your B2B content distribution strategy plays a major role in guest posting.

“The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say, ‘This was written specifically for me.” ~Jamie Turner

Press releases always intend to tone like a third-party resource. Try to include the achievements, success stories, and the latest technology that you leverage with. Guest posting of blogs, articles, or research reports always brings a perspective of your business.

Visual Content Marketing Ideas:

We all are concordant one point that our mind always attracts more to visuals than text format. Visual content always brings better user engagements, that’s why video streaming services are making the buzz all around. People easily share video content, if they amuse or entertain.

“In a sea of mediocre content, a brave tone can be a big differentiator.” ~Ann Handley

Video content is all about setting the tone and stays with it. Remember a good B2B content always brings professional tone rather than entertaining. To make headway, you can use a professional tone with a funny angle.

All in all, your ultimate goal is to encourage customers to make the deal. So put the creativity on the board and create video content to amuse your audience.

Images Based Content:

Most underrated category of the content marketing strategy. Images and graphics always need additional content for complications. Another reason is the internet traffic shifting from the images based content to video content. But… But still, there is a huge scope in the graphical content.

Try to create presentations, graphics, images, charts to appeal to the visitors. Meanwhile, if they like your message and can relate to it, then they surely spread it with their community. Instagram is a better place to do all this stuff.

Best Social Media Platforms For B2B Content Marketing

Photo by Tim Bennett on Unsplash

There are many social media platforms that can elevate business growth but every social site is not suitable for your B2B content marketing planning. Here I am jotted down the list of top social media platforms for B2B content marketing.

  • LinkedIn — It is the best platform for B2B social media marketing. This is a professional platform, therefore, make sure your content is appealing and formal.
  • Facebook — Create a Facebook page, drive content, and make a connection. The Facebook audience usually likes entertaining content so make sure your content brings wow elements.
  • Instagram — Hmm! Insta is not considered as a B2B content marketing platform, but you can use it for image content like infographics, charts, and images. Sponsored stories are the best way of engagement.
  • Quora — This is a question and answer site, with premium content. So you can answer the queries with rich content and promote it around the premium audience.
  • Twitter — If you’re looking for brand awareness or something relates to audience engagements, then Twitter could be a better option. Otherwise, it has many limitations.

Read Also: Perfect Social Media Platform For Boosting Business

Although, social media works as a relationship and bonding with the audience, so make sure you’re active on every platform. According to the survey, LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B content marketing.

B2B Content Marketing Trends 2020

As mentioned earlier, content is fuel for B2B marketing, thus, it should be filled continuously. Jon Buscall recites the same context, “content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.”

In other words, we can conclude that content marketing has a bright future that’s why it is trending right now. So here some upcoming B2B content marketing trends 2020 to find out the right strategy that can work for you.

  • Video Content — It is well said that people love to spend their time on videos, therefore, B2B marketers invest most in video content (live streaming, webinars, informational content). It is shareable, social media-friendly, and increase engagement.
  • Sales & Analytics — According to CMI, sales team feedback (74%) and website analytics (73%) are the top techniques B2B marketers use while researching targeting audiences.
  • B2B Content Distribution — It’s all about the paid services, Most of the B2B content distribution strategy caters through paid channels. Content like Press Release, articles, and infographics performs well, underpaid distributions.
  • B2B Marketing Ideas — The content marketing idea are totally changed than in the last few years. Marketers curate their content in an informational tone rather than selling a product. It like content marketing funnel to encourage the audience for products.
  • Voice Search — The evaluation of voice technology is mostly used in the search section. Ask Google is a great example of voice search, therefore, marketers also changed their content according to voice search.

Voice search beneath many websites ranking, because they don’t allow their content to compatible with voice keywords.

For example,

  • Traditional search terms “Best Mobile App Development Company USA”.
  • Voice search, it sounds like “App development company near me”.

“Content Marketing provides 4x the ROI of our traditional marketing spend.” ~Julie Fleischer

In concise, if you’re planning for content marketing, then your content should compatible with both voice search and text search.

All in all, just create content that can amuse the audience and encourage them to make the deal. If your content can convert visitors into potential customers, then it could be successful marketing, till then keep experimenting.

Final Thought

While wrapping up this post, one thing is pretty clear that putting content marketing as a second thought can be the biggest mistake by any B2B marketers. It’s an essential need for any business because advertise your products can make you alive in the competition, but never make a brand that you dreamed of.

That’s all from my side, hope this tiny information can be a helpful resource in B2B content marketing. We discussed the top social media platform for content marketing and the latest trends in 2020 to make a strategy.

Apart from the marketing, every business should make content planning as their priority, no matter if it’s for B2B or business to customer. Having a business application could be the best of both worlds. Find experts to create a masterpiece.



Ahmed Ginani
Acquaint SoftTech

Business Head at Acquaint Softtech. I am a continuous learner and like to read. But more than reading, I love teaching that’s why I share my knowledge.