When is a WayFinder not a WayFinder?

Tom Satchwell
Acquire Digital
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2013

Whenever I get asked about a WayFinder solution I can’t help but feel a tinge of excitement. Many people who enquirer about the WayFinder have preconceived ideas of a 2D map which points users in the right direction, hosted on a dated and cumbersome kiosk — a perception shared by me when I first joined the Acquire team. I therefore wanted to correct the common misconceptions and highlight just some of the very coolest advancements which can transform your average WayFinder system.

So, when is a WayFinder not a WayFinder……?

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NHS Wayfinder allows patients to scan appointment letters[/caption]

…when it’s more than just a kiosk: Thanks to technological advancements in hardware WayFinders can now be found on any touch-enabled device. The days of bulky, plastic, kiosks controlled only through an integral mouse and keyboard are thankfully long gone and have since been replaced with sleek, slender and smart looking touch-screens.

…when it’s a presentation tool: There are no limits on how maps, content and information are presented. Maps and entire environments can be projected in 2D or fully rendered in 3D for a more realistic representation. Locations or points of interest can be expanded when touched to show location descriptions and routes can be shown as directions or a video fly-through.

…when it’s a portal for data transfer: Routes, maps and information about local amenities, sights & stores can all be transferred from the WayFinder to a smart phone or web-enabled device. More traditional methods such as physical data transfers via memory sticks or printing of routes and maps are still an option.

…when it’s an advertising tool: WayFinders are an ideal way to advertise stores in a shopping centre; the best rides at an amusement park; or places of interest within a town centre. Local suppliers can therefore use the WayFinder as a platform for promoting their location and have even been used by some to provide promotional discount vouchers which can be redeemed in-store.

…when it’s audience recognition and targeting: Our WayFinder platforms work seamlessly with audience recognition technologies, such as Quividi, to accurately detect who is viewing the screen. This enables specific targeting of audiences based on demographic attributes to display different adverts according to age and gender. For example if a WayFinder used in a shopping centre detected a young male an advert for Top Man may be displayed.

…when it’s reporting: The same technology can also be used for recording an accurate number of impressions which can be segmented into audience type. This information is vital for advertisers for determining a return on investment.

[caption id=”attachment_157" align=”alignleft” width=”168"]

Wayfinder at Gloucester Quays Shopping Centre[/caption]

…when it’s seamless interaction: In the past we have been asked to build systems that can inform users where to go. A hospital WayFinder solution included the ability to scan bar codes from patient appointment letters so that when they arrived at the hospital the WayFinder was able show them which department or ward they needed to go to and how to get there.

…when it’s instant feedback: WayFinders can also be used to obtain important customer feedback. The solution we developed for London Luton airport included a short customer survey which, when completed was automatically emailed to their Customer Services department so that an immediate action could be carried out.

The point I am trying to make here is that a WayFinder from Acquire Digital can provide you with so much more than a Wayfinding solution. It is an essential bundle of tools for any business able to perform accurate targeted advertising, monitoring, recording, obtaining customer feedback and a vital communication tool able to provide an advance level of engagement between you and the consumer. So, when is a WayFinder not a WayFinder? Answer, when it is a complete marketing solution!

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Blogged by Sarah

